ESB 5161



BYSenators Wojahn, Stratton, Kiskaddon, Deccio, Kreidler, Johnson, Anderson and Tanner



Revising the purchasing authority for state hospitals for the mentally ill.



House Committe on Health Care


Majority Report:  Do pass.  (8)

      Signed by Representatives Braddock, Chair; Day, Vice Chair; Brooks, Bumgarner, Cantwell, D. Sommers, Sprenkle and Vekich.


      House Staff:Bill Hagens (786-7131)



                         AS PASSED HOUSE APRIL 7, 1987




Presently, the Department of General Administration (G.A.) purchases all materials, supplies, services, and equipment for state agencies, state institutions, community colleges, colleges, universities, state elected officials, state agencies, the Supreme Court, and the appellate courts.  The University of Washington hospital may make purchases through nonprofit hospital cooperative service organizations.  This has resulted in reduced costs.  The two state mental hospitals, however, are not authorized to purchase directly from nonprofit hospital cooperatives.




The Department of General Administration is given the authority to purchase materials, supplies, and equipment in cooperation with nonprofit hospitals.  This provision would include Western State and Eastern State Hospitals and correctional and veterans' institutions.


Fiscal Note:      No Impact.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Meredith Jennings, General Administration.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    The bill could possibly result in reduced costs to the state.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.