SB 5327
As Amended by the House
BYSenators Garrett, Johnson, Peterson, Wojahn, Lee, Tanner, Warnke, Williams and Kiskaddon; by request of Joint Select Committee on Disability Employment and Economic Participation
Requiring the employment security department to report on special attention service given to disabled persons.
House Committe on Commerce & Labor
Majority Report: Do pass with amendments. (11)
Signed by Representatives Wang, Chair; Cole, Vice Chair; Fisch, Fisher, R. King, O'Brien, Patrick, Sanders, Sayan, C. Smith and Walker.
House Staff:Chris Cordes (786-7117)
In 1977, the legislature enacted a program intended to provide persons of disability with equal employment opportunities in recognition that such persons often face unfair employment discrimination. Under this program, the Employment Security Department is required to give particular and special attention service to persons of disability, including services in counseling, referral, and advance notice of job listings.
Persons of disability who are unable to sign their name or make a mark are unable to obtain notarized acknowledgments.
The Employment Security Department is directed to report on its accomplishments and plans for future action under the particular and special attention service program for persons of disability. The department's first report must be submitted by December 1, 1987, to the committees on Commerce and Labor of the Senate and House of Representatives. Thereafter, a report is required every two years.
A notary public or other authorized officer may take an acknowledgment from a competent person who is physically unable to sign his or her name or make a mark if the person orally directs the notary to sign on the person's behalf. The notary must state that the signature was obtained under the authority of the act.
Fiscal Note: Attached.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Les Treece-Sinclair, Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: Regular reports on the special attention service program will enable the legislature to consider corrective policy changes to improve the program's service to disabled workers.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.