SSB 5456
BYSenate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Peterson, Bailey, Vognild, Johnson, Bender, Craswell and Hansen; by request of Office of the Governor)
Adopting the supplemental transportation budget.
House Committe on Transportation
Majority Report: Do pass. (24)
Signed by Representatives Walk, Chair; Baugher, Vice Chair; Brough, Cantwell, Cooper, Day, Dellwo, Doty, Fisch, Fisher, Gallagher, Hankins, Haugen, Heavey, Kremen, Meyers, Schmidt, C. Smith, D. Sommers, Sutherland, Vekich, J. Williams, K. Wilson and Zellinsky.
Minority Report: Do not pass. (2)
Signed by Representatives Spanel and Todd.
House Staff:Gene Schlatter (786-7316)
The state of Washington receives allocations of federal funds for traffic safety programs administered by the Traffic Safety Commission.
Authorized by the U.S. Congress are unanticipated federal allocations of $510,000 which must be appropriated.
Newly designed vehicle license plates, commemorative of the state's centennial, are being issued by the Department of Licensing. Citizens may obtain a centennial license plate at the replacement cost of a regular license plate, plus an additional one dollar. The additional dollar is deposited in a special centennial fund.
The design and purchase costs for the centennial license plates have not been appropriated.
The U.S. Congress authorized $43.58 million for federal fiscal year 1987, for a Navy homeport in Everett, Washington. Congress prohibited the obligation and expenditure of these funds until the state of Washington has appropriated its share of funds for homeport impacts in 1988 and 1989, and until all federal, state and local permits for necessary dredging activities are obtained. $13.1 million of state and federal general fund appropriations have been proposed under separate legislation to offset the increased demands for public services expected during the 1987-89 biennium as a result of the homeport project.
The Navy homeport project will require an estimated $32.2 million for off-base road work, to provide access to the Navy base and alleviate impacts on local community traffic. Of this total, it has been determined that $18.9 million of expenditures will be required in the 1987-89 biennium.
The cost for off-base road work in 1987-89 has been allocated to federal, state and local governments as follows:
!tp1,1,1 !tlFederal Share ×××××× !tl13.0
!tl State Share ×××××× !tl 3.5
!tlLocal Share ×××××× !tl 2.4
!tj1!tl$18.9 million
Supplemental appropriations are made for the 1985-87 biennium.
An additional $510,000 of federal funds are appropriated for expenditure from the Highway Safety Fund.
A supplemental appropriation of $328,000 from the Motor Vehicle Fund is provided for the purchase of commemorative centennial license plates.
Old language is deleted from the appropriation act, which referred to a report on an automation project, due December 15, 1986.
A supplemental appropriation of $3.5 million from the Motor Vehicle Fund is made to the Governor. The appropriation is for new projects for safety and capacity improvement to streets and highways in the vicinity of the Navy Homeport in Everett.
Funds appropriated for the Everett Navy Homeport are extended through the end of the 1987-89 biennium.
No funds under this section may be spent until actual construction or site preparation is started, except as may be necessary to meet the requirements of federal legislation authorizing the construction of the homeport.
The Governor is to allocate this appropriation to specific agencies to offset directly incurred costs associated with the homeport and documented by the agency. Appropriation adjustments and actions are to be reported by the Governor to the Legislature on January 1 of 1988 and 1989.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: None Presented.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.