SB 5536
As Amended by the House
BYSenators Garrett, Bluechel and Kreidler
Revising provisions relating to the scenic river system.
House Committe on Natural Resources
Majority Report: Do pass with amendment. (14)
Signed by Representatives Sutherland, Chair; K. Wilson, Vice Chair; Amondson, Ballard, Basich, Beck, Bumgarner, Cole, Hargrove, Haugen, Meyers, S. Smith, Spanel and S. Wilson.
House Staff:Bill Koss (786-7129)
The scenic river system program was established by the legislature in 1977. The program has three purposes: (1) to maintain the outstanding quality of rivers, (2) to coordinate dam locations in order to protect and preserve these outstanding qualities, and (3) to include certain rivers into a state scenic river system to prevent downgrading their natural condition. Only publicly-owned land adjacent to the river is affected by the scenic river designation. The Parks and Recreation Commission administers the program.
A committee of participating agencies was developed including designees from the departments of Ecology, Fisheries, Game, Natural Resources, Transportation, Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. The State Association of Counties and the Association of Washington Cities also participate. The committee's purpose is to work with the Parks and Recreation Commission to prepare management policies for publicly owned lands or leased land on rivers designated by the legislature as a part of the state's scenic river system. Policies are to be developed for protecting ecological, economic, recreational, aesthetic, botanical, scenic, geological, hydrological, fish and wildlife, cultural, archeological, and scientific features of designated rivers.
Management policies for the scenic river program extends a maximum of one-quarter mile on either side of the river. Nothing in the act restricts the Department of Natural Resources from exercising its responsibilities in managing state trust lands.
So far, the legislature has designated portions of the Skykomish River and two of its tributaries -- the Beckler and the Tye Rivers.
Two members of the public are to be appointed by the governor to serve on the Scenic River System Committee of participating agencies. Public members serving on the committee may collect per diem for their expenses.
The provision allowing only monies from the General Fund to be used to fund the scenic river system program is deleted.
Fiscal Note: No Impact.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Senator Garrett, Prime Sponsor; Mike Reed, State Parks.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: The committee should be broadened to include more than government representation. By removing the limitation that only General Fund money may be used, the Parks and Recreation Commission may seek and use other funds for the program.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.