SSB 5641
BYSenate Committee on Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Senators Stratton, McDonald and DeJarnatt; by request of Department of Game)
Extending time limit for game department policy for issuance of specified fishing license.
House Committe on Natural Resources
Majority Report: Do pass with amendment. (15)
Signed by Representatives Sutherland, Chair; K. Wilson, Vice Chair; Amondson, Beck, Belcher, Bumgarner, Cole, Fuhrman, Hargrove, Meyers, Sayan, Schmidt, C. Smith, Spanel and S. Wilson.
Minority Report: Do not pass. (1)
Signed by Representative Haugen.
House Staff:Bill Koss (786-7129)
In 1985, the legislature directed the Game Commission to adopt a policy regarding the fee, if any, and residency requirement for senior citizen fishing licenses. People over the age of 69 currently get a free fishing license if they have been a state resident for at least 10 years.
The commission determined that no change was warranted in the existing seniors' license legislation.
Each fishing license sold by the department allows the department to obtain federal dollars. Currently each fishing license sold produces federal revenue of $2.09.
BILL AS AMENDED: Residents and nonresidents may purchase a one-day $5 steelhead punchcard, valid for one steelhead daily catch limit. The punchcard may not be returned for a credit, in contrast to annual punchcards. Youths under age fifteen may buy an annual punchcard for $5, valid for five steelhead.
The authority of the Game Commission to adopt senior fishing license fees is extended to January 31, 1988.
The Game Commission may adopt a policy of voluntary contributions by senior citizens to the game fund.
AMENDED BILL COMPARED TO SUBSTITUTE: A new section pertaining to one-day and juvenile $5 steelhead punchcards is added. Five dollar punchcards may not be returned for credit, in contrast to existing annual punchcards.
Fiscal Note: No Impact.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Rich Poelker, Washington Department of Game.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: The Game Department endorses the opportunity to evaluate charging seniors for the currently free fishing license.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.