ESB 5953
BYSenator Gaspard
Providing reduced work load options for certain tenured community college faculty members.
House Committe on Higher Education
Majority Report: Do pass. (9)
Signed by Representatives Jacobsen, Chair; Barnes, Basich, Fox, Jesernig, Miller, Nelson, Unsoeld and K. Wilson.
Minority Report: Do not pass. (2)
Signed by Representatives Heavey, Vice Chair and Silver.
House Staff:Susan Hosch (786-7120)
Current law defining tenure at community colleges applies only to faculty appointments for fulltime teachers, counselors, librarians or other positions which require comparable training, experience and responsibilities as determined by the appointing authority. Generally, administrative appointments are excluded.
Tenured faculty who want to work less than full time have been advised they can do so legally only at the risk of losing their tenure, although some local community college agreements have permitted tenured faculty to carry reduced work loads and retain tenure. Faculty have requested a statutory change which makes clear that appointing authorities and faculty are empowered to develop reduced work load options without affecting tenure.
Appointing authorities are permitted to allow tenured faculty members to retain tenure and carry reduced work loads. The appointing authority and the faculty member must execute a written agreement that specifies assignment terms and conditions including the conditions, if any, under which the faculty member may return to fulltime employment.
References to gender are deleted.
Fiscal Note: Available.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: None Presented.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.