ESSB 6058



BYSenate Committee on Energy & Utilities (originally sponsored by Senator Conner)



Providing for elections for annexed territory or service areas of a public utility district.



House Committe on Energy & Utilities


Majority Report:  Do pass.  (15)

      Signed by Representatives Nelson, Chair; Todd, Vice Chair; Armstrong, Barnes, Brooks, Gallagher, Hankins, Jacobsen, Jesernig, Madsen, May, Miller, Sutherland, Unsoeld and S. Wilson.


      House Staff:Fred Adair (786-7113) and Ted Hunter (786-7114)



                   AS OF HOUSE SECOND READING APRIL 7, 1987




About 1,200 Jefferson County residents in the Brinnon area now receive electric power from Mason County PUD  1.  These Jefferson County residents live within the boundaries of and receive water service from Jefferson County Public Utility District (PUD), a PUD that provides only water service.


Persons who receive services from a PUD but who live outside its boundary want to participate in PUD elections.  Current law allows PUD annexation of a service area in another county, such as the area served by Mason PUD  1 in Jefferson County, only if that area is not located in another PUD.  Current law also fails to specify election procedures when a PUD extends beyond a county boundary.




A public utility district (PUD) distributing electricity may annex territory within its service area and located within another PUD not providing electrical service as of January 1, 1987, upon petition of the registered voters in that area and approval of the boards of both PUDs.  The annexing PUD becomes responsible for providing the area annexed with the services previously provided by the other PUDs.  Where the annexation extends PUD boundaries across county lines, county officials are directed to coordinate elections, the levy and collection of taxes and other duties.


A number of points, including advice on potential obligations and liabilities, must be made clear to and considered by the two PUD boards and the voters.


Fiscal Note:      Attached.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Senator Paul Conner, Sponsor; Mike Tracy, Puget Power.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    Customers of PUDs should be able to elect their commissioners.  This bill would enable this.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.