ESB 6119
BYSenators Barr and Wojahn
Revising certain procedures for persons applying to be licensed practical nurses.
House Committe on Health Care
Majority Report: Do pass. (10)
Signed by Representatives Braddock, Chair; Day, Vice Chair; Bristow, Bumgarner, Cantwell, Lewis, Lux, D. Sommers, Sprenkle and Vekich.
House Staff:John Welsh (786-7133)
State statutes require individuals seeking licensure as a practical nurse to take the national competency examination. The examination is given two times a year in April and October. The majority of students who graduate from an accredited program in practical nursing do so in May or June. They must wait until October to take the competency examination and another 30 days for the test to be graded.
The delay in licensing practical nurses is of concern because of the current nursing shortage in the state.
The Department of Licensing is required, upon approval of the Board of Practical Nursing, to issue interim permits authorizing applicants to practice pending notification of the results of the first licensing examination. If the applicant fails the first examination the permit expires and is not renewable.
Fiscal Note: Available.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: None Presented.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: Because of the critical shortage of nurses and practical nurses, it would be good to allow those who are trained and qualified to take the exam, to enter the health market place as soon as possible. This is similar to enabling legislation which nurses have now. (Testimony given on original House Bill 1404.)
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.