SSB 6203
BYSenate Committee on Health Care & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Deccio, Niemi, Kreidler and Smith)
Requiring a report on state care of developmentally disabled persons.
House Committe on Human Services
Majority Report: Do pass with amendment. (9)
Signed by Representatives Brekke, Chair; Scott, Vice Chair; Anderson, Leonard, Moyer, Padden, H. Sommers, Sutherland and Winsley.
House Staff:Jean Wessman (786-7132)
Some three hundred to five hundred developmentally disabled persons with mental illness have been detained in state or local psychiatric hospitals in Washington within the past two years. Some twenty-five beds at Eastern and Western State Hospitals are filled each night with developmentally disabled persons who have some form of mental illness. The cost of monitoring these individuals in local and state psychiatric facilities ranges from one hundred thirty to seven hundred dollars per day. In addition, psychiatric facilities are generally agreed to be ill-equipped to provide the type of care required by these people.
Some developmentally disabled people with mental illness have been successfully maintained by means of specialized programming. According to proponents, client outcomes improve and state costs may be found to decrease.
BILL AS AMENDED: The Department of Social and Health Services is directed to determine the number of developmentally disabled persons who have been detained in state or local psychiatric facilities since January, 1985. From a sample of that group they shall determine public and private services provided; funds expended; effective service strategies for avoiding hospitalization, reducing patient movement and reducing costs; and propose a pilot project integrating new and existing services. The pilot shall emphasize normal community living, but may include an institutional component if needed.
A report including the required information, a pilot project budget, and management plan is due to the legislature by November 15, 1988.
The act expires December 31, 1988.
AMENDED BILL COMPARED TO SUBSTITUTE: The Department may select a sample of the population to study.
Fiscal Note: Available.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Thelma Struck, Department of Social and Health Services.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: The Department has been concerned about this population for many years and intended to complete a similar study this year.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.