ESHB 621
BYHouse Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Bristow, Silver, Locke, Holland, Grimm, L. Smith, Basich and P. King; by request of Governor Gardner)
Authorizing state general obligation bonds for capital projects.
House Committe on Ways & Means
Majority Report: The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass. (23)
Signed by Representatives Grimm, Chair; Bristow, Vice Chair; Allen, Appelwick, Basich, Belcher, Braddock, Brekke, Ebersole, Grant, Hine, Holland, Locke, Madsen, McMullen, Nealey, Niemi, Peery, Rust, Sayan, H. Sommers, Sprenkle and Valle.
Minority Report: Do not pass. (3)
Signed by Representatives Fuhrman, McLean and Taylor.
House Staff:Greg Pierce (786-7148)
Bond issues are required to fund appropriations for projects contained in the capital budget. These projects are for various state agencies including higher education, parks, fisheries, and common schools.
The state finance committee is authorized to issue $395 million in general obligations bonds to carry out the purposes of HB 327, the capital budget. This authorization includes $30 million which will be transferred to the common school construction account.
The authorization also includes bonds for appropriations appropriated in the supplemental budget, $1.1 million, and the operating budget, $.5 million. It contains authority to issue $3.2 million in reimbursable bonds for Washington State University. Finally, the measure consolidates into this authorization a small amount of current bonding authority, $2.0 million, for the fisheries capital account and the outdoor recreation account.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: None Presented.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.