SSB 6217
As Amended by the House
BYSenate Committee on Agriculture (originally sponsored by Senator Benitz)
Requiring the department of ecology to sell its interest in the Prosser well at the Washington State University research center.
House Committe on Agriculture & Rural Development
Majority Report: Do pass with amendments. (13)
Signed by Representatives Rayburn, Chair; Kremen, Vice Chair; Baugher, Bristow, Brooks, Chandler, Grant, Holm, R. King, McLean, Moyer, Nealey and Rasmussen.
House Staff:Kenneth Hirst (786-7105)
Legislation enacted in 1977 authorized the issuance of $18 million in bonds for water supply facilities required to respond to drought conditions. Monies from the sale of the bonds were deposited in the Emergency Water Projects Revolving Account and appropriated to the Department or Ecology for certain agricultural water supply and distribution projects.
The 1977 legislation also permitted the Department to expend funds from the Account to construct its own water supply facilities. Under this authority, the Department constructed a well at Washington State University's (WSU's) research center near Prosser. The well was constructed jointly with WSU.
The Department of Ecology must sell its ownership interest in the Department's well at WSU's research center near Prosser. It must be sold at fair market value and the proceeds of the sale must be deposited in the Emergency Water Projects Revolving Account. The purchasing parties must agree to be bound by any existing agreements between the Department and WSU regarding the operation and maintenance of the well and must agree that the sale will require compliance with the state's Groundwater Code.
$150,000 is appropriated from the Account to the Department for drought related capital projects. Expenditures may not exceed the amount received by the Account from the sale of the Department's ownership interest in the well near Prosser.
Appropriation: $150,000 is appropriated from the Account to the Department for drought related capital projects. Expenditures may not exceed the amount received by the Account from the sale of the Department's ownership interest in the well near Prosser.
Fiscal Note: Requested February 19, 1988.
Effective Date:The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Hedia Adelsman, Department of Ecology.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: (1) The provisions of the bill adequately protect the interests of WSU. (2) It would be desirable to make the money from the sale of the well available to the Department for use during the current drought.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.