SB 6339
BYSenators Kiskaddon, Stratton, Craswell, Wojahn, Garrett, Kreidler, Bailey and McDonald; by request of Department of Social and Health Services
Clarifying certain provisions governing the relinquishment and adoption of children.
House Committe on Human Services
Majority Report: Do pass. (7)
Signed by Representatives Brekke, Chair; Anderson, Leonard, Moyer, Padden, H. Sommers and Winsley.
House Staff:Jean Wessman (786-7132)
In 1987, the Legislature passed HB 480 which placed in statute the requirements, processes and procedures for court validation of voluntary consent for placement of Indian children. The legislation was necessary to bring the State into compliance with the federal Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978. The amendatory language in one section inadvertently placed exclusive original jurisdiction over all such proceedings in the juvenile court. Such exclusivity allows the potential for relinquishments and adoptions of Indian children to be challenged and eventually vacated if the required court validation of the voluntary consent is obtained in superior court instead of a juvenile court. The proposed bill would correct that inadvertent error and ensure that relinquishments and adoptions where the voluntary consent is validated in superior court are included.
The statute on the jurisdiction of juvenile courts is amended to remove a reference to relinquishments and adoptions under the listed duties of the juvenile court exclusively. Superior courts are added to juvenile courts in their ability to validate such voluntarily consented to relinquishments and adoptions. This validation ability is allowed retroactively to the time period after July 25, 1987 and before the effective date of the proposed section to eliminate any gaps in coverage.
Fiscal Note: Available.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Senator Bill Kiskaddon, Prime Sponsor.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: This bill is necessary to clarify that adoptions and relinquishments validated in Superior Court are not vacated.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.