SB 6349
BYSenators Smith, Kreidler, Benitz, Metcalf, Barr and Patterson
Requiring licenses for professional salmon fishing guides.
House Committe on Natural Resources
Majority Report: Do pass with amendments. (17)
Signed by Representatives Sutherland, Chair; K. Wilson, Vice Chair; Amondson, Basich, Beck, Belcher, Bumgarner, Butterfield, Cole, Dorn, Fuhrman, Hargrove, Meyers, Sayan, Schmidt, Spanel and S. Wilson.
House Staff:Robert Butts (786-7841)
Under current law, licenses are required for charter boats that catch salmon and other food fish in saltwater, on the Columbia River downstream from the Longview Bridge, and on Lake Washington. The cost of an annual charter boat license for salmon and other food fish is $200 for residents and non-residents.
In addition, licenses are required for guides who take clients out to catch game fish. The cost of an annual game fish guide license is $150 for residents, and $500 for non-residents.
At present, with the exception of Lake Washington and the Columbia River downstream from the Longview Bridge, a license is not required for guides who take clients out to catch salmon on freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams.
BILL AS AMENDED: A professional salmon guide license is required for guides who take clients fishing for salmon in freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams, except on Lake Washington or on the Columbia River downstream from the Longview Bridge.
The annual license fees are $50 for residents, and $500 for non- residents.
AMENDED BILL COMPARED TO ORIGINAL: The amended bill also requires a license for guides who take clients fishing for salmon on freshwater lakes. It removes a provision that would require salmon guides on Lake Washington to purchase salmon guide licenses in addition to the current requirement that they purchase charter boat licenses.
Fiscal Note: Available.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: None Presented.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.