SSB 6486

                            As Amended by the House



BYSenate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Senators Owen, Metcalf and Warnke)



Creating the Washington state firearm range committee.



House Committe on Natural Resources


Majority Report:  Do pass with amendments.  (13)

      Signed by Representatives Sutherland, Chair; K. Wilson, Vice Chair; Amondson, Bumgarner, Butterfield, Dorn, Fuhrman, Haugen, Meyers, Sayan, Schmidt, Spanel and S. Wilson.


Minority Report:  Do not pass.  (3)

      Signed by Representatives Beck, Belcher and Cole.


      House Staff:Pamela Madson (786-7310)



                         AS PASSED HOUSE MARCH 3, 1988




During recent years, many of the existing firearm and archery practice ranges have faced pressures from urban encroachment.  This affects the number of opportunities available for rifle target practice, skeet, trap and shotgun practice, hunting dog training, and black powder sport events.  This need exists in all areas of the state, but especially in heavily populated areas.  Over the past three years, several citizen groups have encouraged the development of a large multi-purpose firearm facility in Washington.  The facility would be capable of meeting the needs of sports' firearm users and police training needs.


The fee for obtaining an initial license to carry a concealed pistol is $20.00 and is distributed as follows:  (1) $4.00 to the agency taking finger prints of the licensee, (2) $4.00 to the General Fund, and (3) $12.00 to the issuing authority for enforcement.  The renewal fee of $12.00 is distributed as follows:  (1) $4.00 to the General Fund, and (2) $8.00 to the issuing authority for enforcement. 




The Washington State Firearm Range Committee is created consisting of nine members appointed by the Governor.  Membership represents (1) local law enforcement, (2) state-wide law enforcement, (3) state-wide groups emphasizing hunting and hunting safety, (4) state-wide groups emphasizing target practice and target practice safety, (5) groups involved with black powder shooting sports and related historical heritage events, (6) sport firearm groups and dog training groups, (7) archery and archery safety groups, (8) the director of the Department of Wildlife, and (9) the general public.  Four legislative members, representing the four legislative caucuses, shall serve as non-voting ex officio members.  Members do not receive compensation but are reimbursed for travel expenses.


The Committee shall assess the needs of the potential user groups, investigate public and private liability issues, analyze the state's role in planning and developing the facility including possible public and private contracting options, assess the existing facilities, and review similar facilities in other states and countries.


The Committee shall develop a plan for phased development and cost sharing for planning, construction, and operation of the facility or facilities.  To assess funding for this effort, the Committee shall investigate all available funding sources, public and private.


The Committee shall recommend an appropriate facility for various sites including a central multiple use site. In cooperation with state and local agencies, the Committee shall identify possible sites on publicly-owned land.


Specified state agencies (Departments of Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation Commission, Wildlife, and Trade and Economic Development), along with the House of Representatives and Senate, will provide staff for the Committee.


The Committee may seek funding through public and private grants to carry out its responsibilities.


The Firearm Range Account is created to fund land purchases, construction, and development and operation of firearm ranges and sporting training and practice facilities.  The account is subject to appropriation by the Legislature.


The fee for obtaining a license to carry a concealed pistol is increased from $20.00 to $23.00.  The renewal fee of $12.00 is increased to $15.00.  Both fee increases are distributed to the firearm range account in the Wildlife Fund.


The Firearm Range Committee reports to the Legislature by January 1, 1990 and terminates February 1, 1990.


Fiscal Note:      Available.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Senator Owen, Prime Sponsor; Representative Doty; Mike Krea, National Rifle Association; John Hosford, Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; Cal Groen, Department of Wildlife; Ted Cowen, Washington State Sportsman's Council; Park Colbert, Washington State Sportsman's Facility Committee; and J. K. Johnson, Washington State Mussel Loaders Association.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    Firearm range facilities are needed to provide people with the opportunity to practice using firearms which improves the safety to the general public.  Since the Department of Wildlife is involved in handling funds and staffing the committee, a representative of the Department should sit on the committee.  The proposal should include more flexibility in the type of facility studied.  During the next 2 years, 20 percent of the ranges will be lost.  A major facility will generate revenue through tourism and shooting meets.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.