HB 74



BYRepresentatives Nelson, Allen, Rust, Belcher, Lux, Locke, Valle, Unsoeld and Brekke



Providing for recycling used oil.



House Committe on Environmental Affairs


Majority Report:     Do pass.  (13)

     Signed by Representatives Rust, Chair; Valle, Vice Chair; Allen, Brekke, Ferguson, Jesernig, May, Pruitt, Schoon, D. Sommers, Sprenkle, Unsoeld and Walker.


     House Staff:Susan Gulick (786-7116)







In 1983, legislation was enacted that declared it was the policy of the state to collect and recycle used oil.  In order to accomplish this goal, the legislature directed the Department of Ecology to conduct a public education program.  This program requires sellers of automotive oil to post signs informing consumers of the importance of proper collection and disposal of used oil.


Currently there are products marketed in the state that absorb used motor oil in sawdust or another absorbent material.  Consumers are encouraged to drain automotive oil directly into this container and dispose of it in the garbage.  There is concern that use of these products will inhibit oil recycling in the state and cause environmental damage at landfills.




Containers that render used oil not recyclable may not be sold or distributed in the state.  All used oil collection containers must be labeled to inform consumers of the need to recycle used oil.


The Department of Ecology must establish a list of all used oil collection facilities in the state.  If the department determines there are an inadequate number of facilities to serve any city or county, that city or county must address oil recycling in their local hazardous waste plan.


Fiscal Note:    Attached.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:     Representative Dick Nelson, and Washington Citizens for Recycling.


House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:     The legislature needs to actively promote the state's policy on oil recycling.  Used oil is a hazardous material that carries heavy metals to landfills, which can than threaten groundwater.  Most service stations accept used oil for recycling, yet there is a tremendous amount of used oil that is not being recycled.  This legislation will help increase the amount of used oil that is recycled in the state.


House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.