HB 75
BYRepresentatives Rayburn, Nealey, Kremen, Prince and Bristow
Changing the designation of the coordinating agency for the association of irrigation districts.
House Committe on Agriculture & Rural Development
Majority Report: Do Pass. (13)
Signed by Representative Rayburn, Chair; Kremen, Vice Chair; Baugher, Bristow, Brooks, Chandler, Grant, Holm, Jacobsen, McLean, Moyer, Nealey and Rasmussen.
House Staff:Kenneth Hirst (786-7105)
The directors of irrigation districts within the state may designate a State Association of Washington Irrigation Districts and reimburse the Association from funds in annual district budgets for the costs of the services rendered. The reimbursements are to be on vouchers approved by the district. The vouchers must set forth the nature of the claim and must be signed by the claimant.
The Association may affiliate and cooperate with other reclamation organizations.
Irrigation districts may designate a statewide association dedicated to the promotion of irrigated agriculture and may pay dues or assessments to such an association. The association may affiliate and cooperate with other organizations.
Deleted from law are requirements that payments to the association be in the form of reimbursement vouchers signed by the claimant setting forth the nature of the claim.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Jeanne Dickman, Washington Water Resources Association.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: Some attorneys have suggested that irrigation districts and reclamation districts may associate directly in a state organization such as the Water Resources Association, other attorneys have suggested that a change in the law is required.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.