SHB 755



BYHouse Committee on Health Care (originally sponsored by Representatives Braddock, Brooks, Niemi and P. King; by request of  Department of Corrections)



Revising provisions relating to community corrections.



House Committe on Health Care


Majority Report:     The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass.  (8)

     Signed by Representatives Braddock, Chair; Day, Vice Chair; Bristow, Brooks, Bumgarner, Cantwell, D. Sommers and Sprenkle.


     House Staff:Bill Hagens (786-7131)



Rereferred House Committee on Ways & Means/Appropriations


Majority Report:     The substitute bill by Committee on Health Care be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass.  (22)

     Signed by Representatives Locke, Chair; Allen, Belcher, Braddock, Brekke, Bristow, Ebersole, Fuhrman, Grant, Grimm, Hine, Holland, McLean, McMullen, Nealey, Niemi, Peery, Sayan, Silver, H. Sommers, Sprenkle and B. Williams.


House Staff:    Jim Lux (786-7152)



                    AS PASSED HOUSE MARCH 20, 1987




It is the position of the Department of Corrections (DOC) that local and state corrections problems can be better solved through cooperation and "partnership" between state and local governments.


Presently, statute does not present a framework for this relationship.




Permits counties to establish community corrections boards composed of four members, appointed by the county authority and one appointed by the secretary of the Department of Corrections; the county sheriff and prosecutor are also members.


Participating counties shall develop a community correction plan.  The department may, upon request, provide technical assistance in the development of the plan.


The department is permitted to contract with counties for community services.  Such contracts shall be part of the community correction plan.


The department is required to establish a state-wide base level of correctional services.  Enhancement to the base must be submitted through the community corrections plan.  Priority for enhancements shall be given to services that reduce duplication.


EFFECT OF SENATE AMENDMENT(S)The amendment redefines board membership to include two private sector persons and strikes funding requirement that the program to be limited to availability of funds.


Fiscal Note:    Requested February 6, 1987.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:     (Health Care)  Chase Riveland, Department of Corrections; Kurt Sharar (with concerns) and Mike Redman, Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (with concerns).


(Ways & Means/Appropriations)  None Presented.


House Committee - Testified Against: (Health Care)  None Presented.


(Ways & Means/Appropriations)  None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:     (Health Care)  A state/local partnership is needed to improve correctional services.


(Ways & Means/Appropriations)  None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony Against: (Health Care)  None Presented.


(Ways & Means/Appropriations)  None Presented.




     Yeas 96; Excused 2


Excused:   Representatives Chandler and Padden