HB 786



BYRepresentatives Pruitt, L. Smith, Ebersole, Walker, Spanel, Rasmussen, Sprenkle, Holm, Peery, Todd, Holland, Winsley, Ferguson, May, Unsoeld and Silver



Providing for the encouragement and measurement of innovative programs by school districts.



House Committe on Education


Majority Report:     The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass.  (15)

     Signed by Representatives Spanel, Vice Chair; Appelwick, Cole, Cooper, Holland, Holm, P. King, Peery, Pruitt, Rasmussen, Rayburn, Rust, L. Smith, Todd and Valle.


Minority Report:     Do not pass.  (2)

     Signed by Representatives Betrozoff and Walker.


     House Staff:Susan Patrick (786-7111)







Children are facing a rapidly changing society and world economy. It is the schools' responsibility to provide children with the opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to compete in today's world.  It is important for school districts to have the autonomy necessary to develop innovative and creative programs to meet the needs of their community. The community, while putting its trust in the schools to provide a valuable and relevant education for its children, has the right to expect efficiency, cost effectiveness and accountability from the school district.




SUBSTITUTE BILL:  The legislature declares its intent to encourage creative programs to meet the needs of children in a rapidly changing society and world economy.  The legislature also recognizes its obligation to ensure efficiency and accountability in the school system.  Therefore, the legislature intends to establish a system of performance based incentives to encourage decentralized, creative, cost effective programming by local school districts.


Beginning in the 1988-89 school year each school district may request from the state board of education a waiver of the requirements for:  a) program hour offerings, b) the ratio of students per classroom teacher, and certificated classroom teacher contact hours and school courses.  The State Board of Education shall grant such a waiver request if the applicant agrees to participate in measurement of performance objectives. The waiver shall initially be granted for a four year period.  Such a waiver, however, shall only apply to requirements for students enrolled in kindergarten and first grade in the first year.  The waiver shall be extended each year to include requirements for students enrolled in the next succeeding grade unless revoked by the State Board of Education.


The State Board of Education shall by July 1, 1988, develop measurable performance objectives to assess each school district that is granted a waiver under this act.  These objectives shall measure the district wide performance in achieving the goals of basic education, vocational skills, citizenship skills, personal skills and higher order thinking skills, and shall measure school attendance and dropout rates.  The State Board of Education shall determine; by January 1, 1988, and report to the legislature; what constitutes a "high level of achievement". If a district awarded a waiver does not achieve a "high level of achievement"  the waiver of rules may be revoked.  In determining a high level of achievement the State Board of Education shall include: a) fourth grade district wide achievement of the goals in RCW 28A.58.754 where applicable, b) measurement at the eighth, tenth, and twelfth grade level of all objectives developed by the State Board of Education under this section, and c) considerations of socioeconomic background of each school district's student population. The measurable performance objectives shall take effect if the legislature does not reject the definition of "high level of achievement."


SUBSTITUTE BILL COMPARED TO ORIGINAL:  The requirements that districts participate in program validation procedures is eliminated.  The program validation procedure is eliminated.  Waivers shall not be issued until the 1988-89 school year, after the legislature has the opportunity to review the State Board of Education definition of high level of achievement.


Fiscal Note:    Attached.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:     Representative Wes Pruitt.


House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:     Many school districts have innovative ideas which should be encouraged.  Often districts feel they cannot experiment because of existing rules and regulations.  If a district develops programs which result in high levels of achievement rules and regulations should not stand in the way of their development.


House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.