HB 802



BYRepresentatives Unsoeld, Nutley, Brough, May and Schoon



Revising provisions governing tax deferred annuities for educational employees.



House Committe on Financial Institutions & Insurance


Majority Report:     Do pass.  (13)

     Signed by Representatives Lux, Chair; Zellinsky, Vice Chair; Anderson, Betrozoff, Chandler, Crane, Dellwo, Dorn, Ferguson, P. King, Nutley, Silver and Winsley.


     House Staff:John Conniff (786-7119)



                   AS PASSED HOUSE FEBRUARY 3, 1988




The board of directors of any school district, the Washington state teachers' retirement system, the superintendent of public instruction, educational service district superintendents, and regents or trustees of any of the state's institutions of higher education may provide tax deferred annuities for their employees in lieu of a portion of the employees' salary or wages. However, the statute authorizing tax deferred annuities for employees of institutions of higher education does not contain provisions that permit employees to choose the company that will provide the annuity. In addition, the statutes governing annuities for employees of public schools and institutions of higher education do not define "tax deferred annuities" and do not authorize the purchase of annuities from securities salespersons.




Tax deferred annuities authorized for public school employees and employees of institutions of higher education is defined as any investment permitted under the federal statute governing tax deferred annuities. These investment products may be purchased from either insurance agents or securities salespersons.


Employees of institutions of higher education are permitted to choose the company that will provide tax deferred annuity contracts. The procedures for choosing the company and for solicitation by agents and salespersons are the same procedures as are provided for public school employees.


Fiscal Note:    Not Requested.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:     None Presented.


House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:     None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.