H-2999 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 50th Legislature 1987 Regular Session
By House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Locke and Grimm)
Read first time 4/6/87 and passed to Committee on Rules.
AN ACT Relating to the budget; adding new sections to chapter ... (SHB 527), Laws of 1987; repealing sections in chapter ... (SHB 527), Laws of 1987 (uncodified); making appropriations; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 500. Sections 503, 504, 508, 511, 512, and 517, chapter ... (SHB 527), Laws of 1987 are hereby repealed and replaced with the following new
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tj1!tl$!tr3,961,634,000
Revenue Accrual Account!w×!tj1!tl$!tr41,373,000
!sc ,10Total Appropriation!w×!tj1!tl$!tr4,003,007,000
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) $367,786,000 is provided solely for the remaining months of the 1986-87 school year.
(2) Allocations for certificated staff salaries for the 1987-88 and 1988-89 school years shall be determined by multiplying each district's average basic education certificated instructional and administrative salaries as determined under section 504(2) of this act by the districts' formula-generated staff units as follows:
(a) On the basis of average annual full time equivalent enrollments, excluding handicapped full time equivalent enrollment as recognized for funding purposes under section 505 of this act, and excluding full time equivalent enrollment otherwise recognized for certificated staff unit allocations under (c) through (h) of this subsection:
(i) Forty-seven certificated instructional staff units for each one thousand full time equivalent kindergarten through twelfth grade students.
(ii) Four certificated administrative staff units for each one thousand full time equivalent kindergarten through twelfth grade students.
(b) For school districts with a minimum enrollment of 250 full time equivalent students, whose full time equivalent student enrollment count in a given month exceeds the first of the month full time equivalent enrollment count by 5 percent, an additional state allocation of 110 percent of the pro rata share that such district would have generated had such additional full time equivalent students been included in the normal enrollment count for that particular month.
(c) 0.92 certificated instructional staff units and 0.08 certificated administrative staff units for each seventeen and one-half full time equivalent students enrolled in a vocational education program approved by the superintendent of public instruction. However, for skill center programs, the ratio shall be 0.92 certificated instructional staff units and 0.08 certificated administrative staff units for each annual average 16.67 full time equivalent students enrolled in an approved vocational education program.
(d) For districts enrolling not more than twenty-five average annual full time equivalent students in kindergarten through grade eight, and for small school plants within any school district which enroll not more than twenty-five average annual full time equivalent kindergarten through eighth grade students and have been judged to be remote and necessary by the state board of education:
(i) For those enrolling no students in grades seven or eight, 1.76 certificated instructional staff units and 0.24 certificated administrative staff units for enrollment of not more than five students, plus one-twentieth of a certificated instructional staff unit for each additional student enrolled; and
(ii) For those enrolling students in either grades seven or eight, 1.68 certificated instructional staff units and 0.32 certificated administrative staff units for enrollment of not more than five students, plus one-tenth of a certificated instructional staff unit for each additional student enrolled.
(e) For districts enrolling more than twenty-five but not more than one hundred average annual full time equivalent students in kindergarten through grade eight, and for small school plants within any school district which enroll more than twenty-five average annual full time equivalent kindergarten through eighth grade students and have been judged to be remote and necessary by the state board of education, in the following cases:
(i) For districts and small school plants with enrollments of up to 58.8 annual average full time equivalent students in kindergarten through grade six, 2.76 certificated instructional staff units and 0.24 certificated administrative staff units;
(ii) For districts and small school plants with enrollments of up to 19.6 annual average full time equivalent students in grades seven and eight, 0.92 certificated instructional staff units and 0.08 certificated administrative staff units.
(f) For each nonhigh school district having an enrollment of more than seventy annual average full time equivalent students and less than one hundred eighty students, operating a grades K-8 program or a grades 1-8 program, an additional one-half of a certificated instructional staff unit.
(g) For each nonhigh school district having an enrollment of more than fifty annual average full time equivalent students and less than one hundred eighty students, operating a grades K-6 program or a grades 1-6 program, an additional one-half of a certificated instructional staff unit.
(h) For districts that operate no more than two high schools with enrollments of not more than three hundred average annual full time equivalent students:
(i) For each such high school, nine certificated instructional staff units and one-half of a certificated administrative staff unit for the first sixty annual average full time equivalent students;
(ii) For enrollments in each such high school above sixty annual average full time equivalent students, additional certificated staff units based upon a ratio of 1.7 certificated instructional staff units and 0.23 certificated administrative staff units per eighty average annual full time equivalent students.
(3) Allocations for classified salaries for the 1987-88 and 1988-89 school years shall be calculated by multiplying each district's average basic education classified salary allocation as determined under section 504(2)(a) of this act by the district's formula-generated classified staff units determined as follows:
(a) For enrollments generating certificated staff unit allocations under subsections (2) (d) through (h) of this section, one classified staff unit per each three certificated staff units allocated under such subsections.
(b) For all other enrollments, including vocational enrollments recognized under subsection (2)(c) of this section, one classified staff unit for each sixty average annual full time equivalent students.
(c) For each nonhigh school district with an enrollment of more than fifty annual average full time equivalent students and less than one hundred eighty students, an additional one-half of a classified staff unit.
(4) Fringe benefit allocations shall be calculated at a rate of 21.28 percent in the 1987-88 school year and 21.40 percent in the 1987-88 school year of certificated salary allocations provided under subsection (2) of this section, and a rate of 17.49 percent in the 1987-88 school year and 17.61 percent in the 1988-89 school year of classified salary allocations provided under subsection (3) of this section.
(5) Insurance benefit allocations for the 1987-88 and 1988-89 school years shall be calculated at a rate of $167 per month for the number of certificated staff units determined in subsection (2) of this section and for the number of classified staff units determined in subsection (3) of this section multiplied by 1.152.
(6)(a) For nonemployee related costs with each certificated staff unit allocated under subsections (2) (a), (b), and (d)through (h) of this section, there shall be provided a maximum of $6,049 per certificated staff unit in the 1987-88 school year and a maximum of $6,267 per certificated staff unit in the 1988-89 school year.
(b) For nonemployee related costs with each certificated staff unit allocated under subsection (2)(c) of this section, there shall be provided a maximum of $11,526 per certificated staff unit in the 1987-88 school year and a maximum of $11,941 per certificated staff unit in the 1988-89 school year.
(7) Allocations for costs of substitutes for classroom teachers shall be distributed at a maximum rate of $275 per full time equivalent basic education classroom teacher during the 1987-88 and 1988-89 school years.
(8) The superintendent may distribute a maximum of $3,209,000 outside the basic education formula during fiscal years 1988 and 1989 as follows:
(a) For fire protection for school districts located in a fire protection district as now or hereafter established pursuant to chapter 52.04 RCW, a maximum of $342,000 may be expended in fiscal year 1988 and a maximum of $342,000 in fiscal year 1989.
(b) For summer vocational programs at skills centers, a maximum of $1,099,000 may be expended in fiscal year 1988 and a maximum of $1,154,000 may be expended in fiscal year 1989.
(c) A maximum of $272,000 may be expended for school district emergencies.
(9) Formula enhancements are provided under this section which are not attributable to enrollment or workload changes, compensation increases, or inflationary adjustments. For the purposes of section 101 of Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 455, the following allocations for the 1987-88 school year shall be recognized as levy reduction funds:
(a) For certificated instructional staff units generated under subsection (2)(a)(i) of this section, one forty-seventh of all allocations for nonemployee-related costs.
(b) For certificated instructional staff units generated under subsection (2)(a)(i) of this section by enrollment in grades four through twelve, one forty-seventh of all allocations for certificated instructional staff salaries and benefits.
(10) For the purposes of section 101 of Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 455, the increase per full time equivalent student in the state basic education appropriation provided under this section is 6.3 percent between the 1986-87 and 1987-88 school years, and 4.5 percent between the 1987-88 and 1988-89 school years.
(11) The revenue accrual account appropriation is provided solely for allocations for employer contributions to the teachers' retirement system included under subsection (4) of this section.
(12) A maximum of $372,000 may be distributed to enhance funding provided in subsections (1) through (8) of this section for remote and necessary school plants on islands without scheduled public transportation which are the sole school plants serving students in elementary grades on these islands. Any school district receiving an allocation under this subsection must certify that funding distributed for its remote and necessary school plants under this subsection and subsection (2)(d) of this section is used solely for programs for students enrolled in these school plants. The superintendent of public instruction shall ensure compliance with this subsection, including appropriate distribution of school district overhead costs. The superintendent shall study and, in a report submitted to the legislature prior to December 1, 1988, make recommendations on adequate but not excessive funding formulas for remote and necessary school plants serving less than twenty-five students.
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tj1!tl$!tr42,094,000
For the purposes of section 503 of this act and this section, the following conditions and limitations apply:
(1) (a) Districts shall certify to the superintendent of public instruction such information as may be necessary regarding the years of service and educational experience of basic education certificated instructional employees for the purposes of calculating certificated instructional staff salary allocations pursuant to this section. Any change in information previously certified, on the basis of additional years of experience or educational credits, shall be reported and certified to the superintendent of public instruction at the time such change takes place.
(b) For the purposes of subsection (2) of this section, "basic education certificated instructional staff" is defined as provided in section 204 of Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 455.
(c) "LEAP Document 10" means the computerized tabulation of basic education certificated administrative salary allocations and basic education classified salary allocations for the 1987-88 and 1988-89 school years, as developed by the legislative evaluation and accountability program committee on April 6, 1987, at 10:15 hours.
(d) "Incremental fringe benefits" means 20.64 percent in the 1987-88 school year and 20.76 percent in the 1988-89 school year for certificated staff, and 13.96 percent in the 1987-88 school year and 14.08 percent in the 1988-89 school year for classified staff, which percentages shall be the fringe benefit rates applied to the respective salary adjustments provided in subsection (5) of this section.
(2) (a) Allocations for basic education certificated administrative staff salaries and basic education classified staff salaries under section 503 (2) and (3) of this act shall be determined by LEAP Document 10.
(b) Allocations for certificated instructional salaries in the 1987-88 school year under section 503(2) of this act shall be the greater of:
(i) The district's average salary as determined by placing the district's actual full time equivalent basic education certificated instructional staff for that school year on the 1987-88 state-wide salary allocation schedule established in subsection (3)(a) of this section; or
(ii) The district's actual average annual basic education certificated instructional staff salary for the 1986-87 school year, as reported to the superintendent of public instruction prior to June 1, 1987, improved by four percent. In calculating a district's actual average basic education certificated instructional staff salary for the 1986-87 school year for the purposes of this section, actual salaries of employees with masters degrees and less than forty-five additional credits shall be adjusted upward by 2.8 percent; and actual salaries of employees with masters degrees and at least forty-five but less than ninety additional credits shall be adjusted upwards by 0.9 percent.
(c) Allocations for certificated instructional salaries in the 1988-89 school year under section 503(2) of this act shall be the greater of:
(i) The district's average salary as determined by placing the district's actual full time equivalent basic education certificated instructional staff for that school year on the 1988-89 state-wide salary allocation schedule established in subsection (3)(b) of this section; or
(ii) For districts which received salary allocations for the 1987-88 school year under subsection (2)(b)(ii) of this section, the average basic education certificated instructional staff salary allocated for that year increased by 4 percent.
(3) Pursuant to section 205 of Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 455, the following state-wide salary allocation schedules for certificated instructional staff, for allocation purposes only, are established:
!tp1,1,1,1,1 !trYears
@h1 !tr0!tr17,400!tr17,870!tr18,357!tr18,844
!tr9!tr !tr24,778!tr25,456!tr26,361
!ae0!tl!sc ,001or more!tr!tr!tr!tr
!tp1,1,1,1,1 !TRYears
!trService !trBA+90!trMA!trMA+45!tror!sc ,001PHD
@h1 !tr0!tr20,410!tr21,000!tr21,854!tr22,707
!ae0!tl!sc ,001or more!tr!tr34,903!tr36,322!tr37,741
!tp1,1,1,1,1 !trYears
@h1 !tr0!tr18,300!tr18,794!tr19,307!tr19,819
!ae0!tl!sc ,001or more
!tp1,1,1,1,1 !trYears
!trService !trBA+90!trMA!trMA+45!tror!sc ,001PHD
@h1 !tr0!tr21,466!tr22,086!tr22,984!tr23,882
!ae0!tl!sc ,001or more!tr!tr36,709!tr38,201!tr39,693
@h3 @LA (c) As used in this subsection:
(i) "BA" means a baccalaureate degree;
(ii) "MA" means a masters degree;
(iii) "PHD" means a doctorate degree;
(iv) "+(N)" means the number of college quarter hour credits earned since the highest degree.
(4) A maximum of $13,562,000 is provided to implement salary and insurance benefit increases for each school year for state-supported school employees in the following categorical programs: Transitional bilingual instruction, learning assistance, education of highly capable students, vocational technical institutes, and pupil transportation. Moneys provided by this subsection include costs of incremental fringe benefits and shall be distributed by increasing allocation rates for each school year by the amounts specified:
(a) Transitional bilingual instruction: The rates specified in section 507 of this act shall be increased by $21.17 per pupil for the 1987-88 school year and by $41.04 per pupil for the 1988-89 school year.
(b) Learning assistance: The rates specified in section 508 of this act shall be increased by $17.58 per pupil for the 1987-88 school year and by $34.47 per pupil for the 1988-89 school year.
(c) Education of highly capable students: The rates specified in section 509 of this act shall be increased by $12.50 per pupil for the 1987-88 school year and by $24.27 per pupil for the 1988-89 school year.
(d) Vocational technical institutes: The rates for vocational programs specified in section 511 of this act shall be increased by $106.67 per full time equivalent student for the 1987-88 school year, and by $208.57 per full time equivalent student for the 1988-89 school year.
(e) Pupil transportation: The rates provided under section 514 of this act shall be increased by $0.66 per weighted pupil-mile for the 1987-88 school year, and by $1.32 per weighted pupil-mile for the 1988-89 school year.
(5) (a) A maximum of $19,616,000 is provided for salary increases and incremental fringe benefits for state-supported certificated instructional staff unit allocations in the handicapped program, section 505, and for state-supported certificated instructional staff in institutional education programs, section 506. The superintendent of public instruction shall distribute salary increases for these programs not to exceed the salary increases for such staff which would be generated using the state-wide salary allocation schedules established in subsection (3) of this section.
(b) A maximum of $4,052,000 is provided for salary increases and incremental fringe benefits for the following: (i) State-supported certificated administrative and classified staff allocations in the handicapped program; (ii) state-supported certificated administrative and classified staff in institutional education programs; and (iii) state-supported staff of educational service districts under section 502 of this act. Such moneys shall be distributed to implement a maximum salary increase of four percent effective September 1, 1987, and an additional four percent salary increase effective September 1, 1988.
(6) (a) A maximum of $4,307,000 of this appropriation is provided to increase insurance benefit allocations for basic education staff under section 503(5) of this act from $167 to $170.90 per month, effective September 1, 1987.
(b) A maximum of $557,000 is provided to increase insurance benefit allocations to $170.90 per month for state-supported staff included under subsection (5) of this section. For the purposes of allocating insurance benefit increases under this subsection, the number of full time equivalent classified staff in handicapped and institutional education programs included under subsection (5) (b) of this section shall be multiplied by 1.152.
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tj1!tl$!tr58,619,000
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) $3,982,000 is provided solely for the remaining months of the 1986-87 school year.
(2) Funding for school district learning assistance programs serving kindergarten through grade nine shall be distributed during the 1987-88 and 1988-89 school years at a maximum rate of $442 per unit as calculated pursuant to this subsection. The number of units for each school district in each school year shall be the sum of: (a) The number of full time equivalent students enrolled in kindergarten through grade six in the district multiplied by the percentage of the district's students taking the fourth grade basic skills test who scored in the lowest quartile as compared to national norms, and then reduced by the number of students ages eleven and below in the district who are identified as specific learning disabled and are served through programs established pursuant to chapter 28A.13 RCW; and (b) the number of full time equivalent students enrolled in grades seven through nine in the district multiplied by the percentage of the district's students taking the eighth grade basic skills test who scored in the lowest quartile as compared to national norms, and then reduced by the number of students ages twelve through fourteen in the district who are identified as specific learning disabled and are served through programs established pursuant to chapter 28A.13 RCW. For the purposes of allocating funds for the 1987-88 school year, the superintendent shall use the most recent prior five-year average scores on the fourth grade test and the most recent prior three-year average scores on the eighth grade test. For the purposes of allocating funds for the 1988-89 school year, the superintendent shall use the most recent prior five-year average scores on the fourth grade test and the most recent prior four-year average scores on the eighth grade test.
(3) Formula enhancements are provided under this section for the 1987-88 school year which are not attributable to enrollment or workload changes, compensation increases, or inflationary adjustments. For the purposes of section 101 of Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 455, an amount equal to $80 per unit determined under subsection (2) of this section for the 1987-88 school year shall be recognized as levy reduction funds.
(4) If Second Substitute House Bill No. 728 is not enacted by July 1, 1987, $10,427,000 of the appropriation in this section shall lapse, and the rate under subsection (2) of this section shall be $362 per unit.
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) Funding for vocational programs during the 1987-88 school year shall be distributed at a rate of $2,925 per student for a maximum of 12,050 full time equivalent students.
(2) Funding for vocational programs during the 1988-89 school year shall be distributed at a rate of $2,967 per student for a maximum of 12,050 full time equivalent students.
(3) Funding for adult basic education programs during the 1987-88 school year shall be distributed at a rate of $1.40 per hour of student service for a maximum of 288,690 hours.
(4) Funding for adult basic education programs during the 1988-89 school year shall be distributed at a rate of $1.41 per hour of student service for a maximum of 288,690 hours.
(5) $2,000,000 is provided solely for purchase and replacement of equipment to be used in vocational courses.
@i2General Fund Appropriation‑-State!w×!tr$!sc ,16
General Fund Appropriation‑-Federal!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!sc ,10Total Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) $825,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for a contract with the Pacific Science Center for travelling van programs and other educational services for public schools.
(2) $84,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for a contract with the Cispus learning center for environmental education programs.
(3) $4,000,000 of the general fund‑-federal appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of the substance abuse prevention programs established under Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 456. If the bill is not enacted by July 1, 1987, this amount shall lapse.
(4) $5,500,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of the dropout prevention and retrieval provisions of Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 456. If the bill is not enacted by July 1, 1987, this amount shall lapse.
(5) $2,020,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of the schools for the twenty-first century pilot programs established by Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5479. If the bill is not enacted by July 1, 1987, this amount shall lapse.
(6) $500,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for one-time costs of establishing a state-wide inventory of school facilities, using surveys conducted by qualified engineers and architects. The inventory shall be designed to yield consistent and easily accessible information intended to facilitate administrative decisions on school construction projects and analysis of long-term facilities needs.
@i2General Fund Appropriation‑-State!w×!tr$!sc ,16
General Fund Appropriation‑-Federal!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!sc ,10Total Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) $269,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for teacher in-service training in math, science, and computer technology.
(2) $136,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for teacher training workshops conducted by the Pacific Science Center.
(3) $2,129,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for operation by the educational service districts of regional computer demonstration centers and computer information centers.
(4) $527,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation and $413,000 of the general fund‑-federal appropriation are provided solely for teacher training in drug and alcohol abuse education and prevention in kindergarten through grade twelve.
(5) $2,900,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for the beginning teachers assistance program established under House Bill No. 485. If the bill is not enacted by July 1, 1987, this amount shall lapse.
(6) $8,923,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for in-service training programs for school district employees conducted under RCW 28A.71.200 through 28A.71.210 and for training programs for school directors. From the amount provided in the subsection, $62.50 per school director shall be allocated to the Washington state school directors' association at the beginning of each fiscal year, to be used for educational and developmental programs offered to school directors from all of the state's school districts.
(7) $200,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for grants to field-test teacher evaluation models in local school districts.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 521. A new section is added to chapter ... (SHB 527), Laws of 1987 to read as follows:
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations: This appropriation is provided solely for state matching funds to equalize school district levies pursuant to section 102 of Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 455. If the bill is not enacted by July 1, 1987, this appropriation shall lapse.
(End of Part)
NEW SECTION. Sec. 600. Sections 601 through 609, chapter ... (SHB 527), Laws of 1987 are hereby repealed and replaced with the following new sections.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 601. The appropriations in sections 602 through 608 of this act are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) For the purposes of this section and sections 602 through 608 of this act, "institutions of higher education" means the institutions receiving appropriations pursuant to sections 603 through 608 of this act.
(2) Student Quality Standard: During the 1987-89 fiscal biennium, each institution of higher education shall not expend less than the average biennial amount listed in this subsection per full time equivalent student. The amounts include total operating expenses for the institution, less expenditures for plant maintenance and operations, with the exception of Washington State University, where cooperative extension and agriculture research are also excluded from the per student expenditures. This expenditure per student requirement may vary by two percent if the director of financial management certifies that the failure to meet the minimum expenditures per student is attributable to circumstances beyond the control of the institution.
!tp1 @i2University of Washington!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Washington State University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, The Evergreen State College, and Western Washington University:
!sc ,10The first 3000 FTE Students!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!sc ,10Each Student over 3000 FTE!w×!tr$!sc ,16
State Board for Community College Education!w×!tr$!sc ,16
(3) Each institution of higher education shall report to the 1989 regular session of the legislature the following information:
(a) The number of minority students attending the institution or the community college system and the measures taken by such institution or system during the 1987-89 fiscal biennium to increase the number of minority students and reduce the drop-out rates for minority and other students;
(b) The number of women employed by the institution or system and the actions taken by the institution or system to increase the number of women in managerial and senior-level positions;
(c) Actions taken by the institution or community college system to improve the quality of undergraduate and graduate education programs;
(d) Actions taken by the institution or system to expand or improve educational services off the campus and the process for evaluating the need for educational services in locations away from the campus;
(e) The process for evaluating and accepting students for admission into the institution or the system;
(f) Any process developed by the institution or the system for evaluating student performance;
(g) Program improvement, expansion, and new program initiatives that resulted from the increased level of state financial support provided in this act;
(h) Actions taken by the institution or system to operate programs jointly with another public or private institution; and
(i) How the faculty and exempt salary increase funds were distributed among the faculty and staff at each institution and the results of the increased salary levels on faculty and staff recruitment and retention.
The state board for community college education shall collect and report the information required of the community college system under this subsection.
(4) Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, and Western Washington University shall each collect summer term tuition fees at the same rates established for the regular academic quarter and shall transfer the fees to the state treasury in accordance with RCW 28B.15.031.
(5)(a) The appropriations in sections 602 through 608 of this act provide the following amounts to identify and recruit minority students from junior high and high schools in the state, to foster minority student interest in a college education, to provide support services such as counseling and tutorial assistance, and to improve the retention of such students in higher education through and beyond the baccalaureate level:
!tp1 @i2 University of Washington!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Washington State University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Central Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Eastern Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The Evergreen State College!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Western Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
(b) In carrying out the purposes outlined in subsection (a) of this section, special consideration shall be given to the recruitment and retention of minority students going into teaching as a profession.
(6) The following are the maximum amounts that may be expended at each institution of higher education for continuing the salary increases authorized by section 604 of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5351 from July 1, 1987 through August 31, 1987:
!tp1 @i2University of Washington!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Washington State University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Central Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Eastern Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The Evergreen State College!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Western Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
State Board for Community College Education!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Expenditures under this subsection shall be consistent with all terms and conditions contained in section 604 of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5351, which are hereby incorporated by reference.
(7) The following are maximum amounts which each institution may spend for faculty and exempt staff salary increases and are subject to all the limitations contained in this section. For the purpose of allocating these funds, "faculty" includes all instructional and research faculty, academic deans, and department chairpersons. Exempt staff includes presidents, chancellors, vice-presidents, administrative deans and professional personnel, librarians and counselors who are exempt from the classified service system, teaching and research assistants, and medical residents.
!tp1 @i2University of Washington!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!ae0!tr 31,102,000
Washington State University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!ae0!tr 15,567,000
Central Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!ae0!tr 3,360,000
Eastern Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The Evergreen State College!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!ae0!tr 1,609,000
Western Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!ae0!tr 4,350,000
State Board for Community College Education!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!ae0!tr 23,925,000
These amounts are intended to provide the faculty at each four-year institution and the community college system as a whole the average percentage increase, including increments, enumerated below on the effective dates indicated:
!tp3,3,3,1 !tj1!tcSeptember!sc ,0011,!sc ,0011987!tcSeptember!sc ,0011,!sc ,0011988 !ixUniversity of Washington !tj1!tc9.5%!tc9.2%
Washington State University!tj1!tc9.2%!tc9.0%
Central Washington University!tj1!tc7.4%!tc 7.1%
Eastern Washington University!tj1!tc7.4%!tc 7.1%
The Evergreen State College!tj1!tc7.4%!tc 7.1%
Western Washington University!tj1!tc7.4%!tc 7.1%
State Board for Community
!sc ,2College Education!tj1!tc6.3%!tc6.0%
The exempt staff at each four-year institution and the community college system as a whole are entitled to receive an average 5 percent salary increase effective September 1, 1987, and an average 3 percent salary increase effective September 1, 1988. However, exempt librarians and counselors may be given the same percentage salary increase as the faculty at their institution if the total amount paid out for faculty and exempt salary increases is within the amounts provided in this subsection.
In addition to the 5 and 3 percentage increases provided to exempt staff, the institutions shall allocate an amount equal to the average faculty percentage increase to 10 percent of the exempt staff or a like amount in dollars to all exempt staff or any combination thereof. The combined increases authorized in this paragraph, however, shall not exceed the average salary increase provided to faculty at the respective institution.
(8) The state board for community college education shall allocate the funds identified in subsection (7) of this section to each community college district in such a manner that no district's full-time faculty average salary will be more than two percent below the district's hypothetical average salary, as computed by the state board.
(9) From the appropriations in sections 602 through 609 of this act, the following amounts for each institution are provided solely for higher education personnel board classified employees to provide a 4 percent increase on September 1, 1987, and a 4 percent increase on September 1, 1988:
!tp1 @i2University of Washington!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Washington State University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Central Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!ae0!tr 826,000
Eastern Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The Evergreen State College!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!ae0!tr 581,000
Western Washington University!w×!tr$!sc ,16
State Board for Community College Education!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!ae0!tr 5,432,000
Higher Education Coordinating Board!w×!tr$!sc ,16
No salary increase may be paid under this subsection to any person whose salary has been Y-rated pursuant to rules adopted by the higher education personnel board.
(10) Any institution that grants an average salary increase in excess of the amounts authorized in subsection (7) of this section is ineligible to receive any funds appropriated for salary increases in sections 603 through 608 of this act. Any community college district that grants an average salary increase in excess of the amounts authorized in subsection (7) of this section is ineligible to receive any funds appropriated for salary increases in section 602 of this act. The office of financial management shall adjust an institution's allotment as necessary to enforce the restrictions imposed by this section.
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations: At least $480,000 shall be spent by the state board for community college education for the literacy tutor coordination project.
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Medical Aid Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Accident Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
Death Investigations Account Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!sc ,10Total Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) A maximum of $4,060,000 may be spent by the University of Washington for the Washington Technology Center. Moneys may be spent for this purpose only if an equal or greater amount of funds are provided from nonstate sources.
(2) The University of Washington shall conduct a study of the potential environmental and economic impacts of oil and mineral exploration off the coast of Washington.
(3) $349,000 is provided solely for research on streamside management in forests.
(4) The university shall identify suitable spaces in the vicinity of the University of Washington for use as child day care centers for the children of university civil service employees and for start-up costs of the day care centers. A maximum of $75,000 may be spent for this purpose.
(5) At least $75,000 of the appropriation shall be spent for research on the health and safety hazards of video display terminals in the workplace.
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) Funds are provided to Washington State University to continue the Yakima nursing training program.
(2) $500,000 of the appropriation is provided solely to initiate upper division programs and expand graduate programs at the Southwest Washington joint center for education.
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) At least $200,000 shall be spent for a Harry Bridges labor center. The college shall endeavor to obtain additional funds for the labor center from nonstate sources.
(2) $100,000 is provided solely to the institute for public policy to identify future public policy issues in Washington and to prepare a research plan for collecting information and developing alternatives for future public policy direction. The institute shall report the finding of this project to the legislature by January 1, 1988.
@i2General Fund Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations: $96,000 of the general fund appropriation is provided solely for development of a value-added testing program to measure educational attainment of students while enrolled at the university.
@i2General Fund Appropriation‑-State!w×!tr$!sc ,16
General Fund Appropriation‑-Federal!w×!tr$!sc ,16
State Educational Grant Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
!sc ,10Total Appropriation!w×!tr$!sc ,16
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) $43,392,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for student financial aid, including administrative costs. Of that amount, a minimum of $17,372,000 shall be expended for work study grants. The state need grant program shall emphasize, to the extent possible, the provision of aid to low-income single parents with dependents.
(2) $5,000,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for the distinguished professorship trust fund.
(3) $1,500,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation is provided solely for research grants for innovative projects that will improve the quality of education in the state's higher education system. Grants may be awarded to state agencies and institutions of higher education for research projects submitted for educational improvements in one or more of the areas listed below in priority order:
(a) Curriculum development for a masters in teaching degree program;
(b) The quality of the teaching and learning environment at the undergraduate level;
(c) The assessment of the effectiveness of institutions in achieving educational goals;
(d) The number of students from targeted populations participating at and matriculating from institutions of higher education;
(e) Articulation between two-year and four-year institutions.
The board shall establish a competitive evaluation process for selecting projects to be awarded grants and shall report to the legislature the results of the research projects. The grants shall not be used to supplant funds currently available for such purposes.
(4) $300,000 of the general fund appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of House Bill No. 857, the teachers conditional scholarship program. If this bill is not enacted by July 1, 1987, the amount provided in this section shall lapse.
(End of Part)
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1000. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1987.