S-4570               _______________________________________________


                                         SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 6601



State of Washington                              50th Legislature                              1988 Regular Session


By Senate Committee on Ways and Means (originally sponsored by Senators McDonald, Talmadge, Kiskaddon, Stratton and Deccio)



Read first time 1/29/88.



AN ACT Relating to fiscal matters; amending RCW 82.01.125, 82.01.130, 82.01.135, 41.06.087, 43.88.030, and 43.88.120; and reenacting and amending RCW 82.01.120.




        Sec. 1.  Section 1 chapter 138, Laws of 1984 as last amended by section 10, chapter 502, Laws of 1987 and by section 79, chapter 505, Laws of 1987 and RCW 82.01.120 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:

          (1) The director shall employ an economic and revenue forecast supervisor to supervise the preparation of all economic and revenue forecasts.  ((As used in this section and RCW 82.01.125 and 82.01.130, "supervisor" means the economic and revenue forecast supervisor.))

          (2) The director of financial management shall employ a caseload forecast supervisor to supervise the preparation of all state caseload forecasts.  The caseload forecast supervisor should possess broad training and experience in the social sciences, which may include, but need not be limited or restricted to, quantitative analysis and forecasting methods, economics, labor market economics, sociology, and social psychology.

          (3) Approval by an affirmative vote of at least five members of the economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast council is required for any decisions regarding employment of the supervisor.  Employment of ((the)) a supervisor shall terminate after each term of three years, unless the supervisor is reappointed ((by the director)) and is approved by the economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast council for another three years.  The supervisor shall employ staff sufficient to accomplish the purposes of this section.

          (((2))) (4) Four times each year, the economic and revenue forecast supervisor shall prepare, subject to the approval of the economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast council under RCW 82.01.130(2):

          (a) An official state economic and revenue forecast;

          (b) An unofficial state economic and revenue forecast based on optimistic economic and revenue projections; and

          (c) An unofficial state economic and revenue forecast based on pessimistic economic and revenue projections.

          (((3))) (5) Four times each year, the caseload forecast supervisor shall prepare, subject to the approval of the economic, revenue, and caseload forecast council under RCW 82.01.130(2):

          (a) An official state caseload forecast;

          (b) An unofficial state caseload forecast based on optimistic caseload projections; and

          (c) An unofficial state caseload forecast based on pessimistic caseload projections.

          (6) The supervisors shall submit forecasts prepared under this section, along with any unofficial forecasts provided under RCW 82.01.130(3), to the governor and the members of the committees on ways and means and the chairs of the committees on transportation of the senate and house of representatives and the chair of the legislative transportation committee, including one copy to the staff of each of the committees, on or before November 20th, February 20th in the even-numbered years, March 20th in the odd-numbered years, June 20th, and September 20th.  All economic and revenue forecasts shall include both estimated receipts and estimated revenues in conformance with generally accepted accounting principles as provided by RCW 43.88.037.       (7) "Caseload," as used in this section and RCW 82.01.125 through 82.01.135, means the number of persons expected to meet eligibility requirements or require services from the aid to families with dependent children program, the community mental health and involuntary treatment program, the medicaid program, the nursing home program, state correctional institutions, state institutions for the mentally ill, developmentally disabled, and juvenile offenders, and other state-funded programs as determined by the council.


        Sec. 2.  Section 3, chapter 138, Laws of 1984 and RCW 82.01.125 are each amended to read as follows:

          The administrator of the legislative evaluation and accountability program committee may request, and the supervisors shall provide, alternative economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecasts based on assumptions specified by the administrator.


        Sec. 3.  Section 4, chapter 138, Laws of 1984 and RCW 82.01.130 are each amended to read as follows:

          (1) The economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast council is hereby created.  The council shall consist of two individuals appointed by the governor and four individuals, one of whom is appointed by the chairperson of each of the two largest political caucuses in the senate and house of representatives.  In making the two appointments to the council, the governor may designate two other persons to serve as members, in lieu of the two primary appointees, when the council is dealing with issues directly related to caseload forecasts.

          The chair of the council shall be selected from among the four caucus appointees.  The council may select such other officers as the members deem necessary.

          (2) The economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast council shall oversee the preparation of and approve, by an affirmative vote of at least four members, the official, optimistic, and pessimistic state economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecasts prepared under RCW 82.01.120.  If the council is unable to approve a forecast before a date required in RCW 82.01.120, the supervisors shall submit the forecast without approval and the forecast shall have the same effect as if approved by the council.

          (3) A council member who does not cast an affirmative vote for approval of the official economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast may request, and the supervisors shall provide, an alternative economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast based on assumptions specified by the member.

          (4) Members of the economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast council shall serve without additional compensation but shall be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with RCW 44.04.120 while attending sessions of the council or on official business authorized by the council.  Nonlegislative members of the council shall be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.

          (5) Revenue and caseload forecasts adopted by the council shall indicate whenever the official forecast differs from staff recommendations.


        Sec. 4.  Section 5, chapter 138, Laws of 1984 as amended by section 23, chapter 158, Laws of 1986 and RCW 82.01.135 are each amended to read as follows:

          (1) To promote the free flow of information and to promote legislative input in the preparation of forecasts, immediate access to all information relating to economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecasts shall be available to the economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast work group, hereby created.  Revenue collection information shall be available to the economic and revenue forecast work group the first business day following the conclusion of each collection period.  Each state agency affected by caseloads shall submit caseload reports and data to the council as soon as the reports and data are available and shall provide to the council and the caseload forecast supervisor such additional raw, program-level data or information as may be necessary for discharge of their respective duties.  The economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast work group shall consist of one staff member selected by the executive head or chairperson of each of the following agencies or committees:

          (a) Department of revenue;

          (b) Office of financial management;

          (c) Legislative evaluation and accountability program committee;

          (d) Ways and means committee of the senate; and

          (e) Ways and means committee of the house of representatives.

          (2) The economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast work group shall provide technical support to the economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast council.  Meetings of the economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast work group may be called by any member of the group for the purpose of assisting the ((economic and revenue forecast)) council, reviewing ((the state economic and revenue)) forecasts, or reviewing monthly revenue collection data or for any other purpose which may assist the ((economic and revenue forecast)) council.


        Sec. 5.  Section 2, chapter 138, Laws of 1984 and RCW 41.06.087 are each amended to read as follows:

          In addition to the exemptions set forth in RCW 41.06.070, this chapter does not apply to the economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast supervisors and staff employed under RCW 82.01.120.


        Sec. 6.  Section 2, chapter 502, Laws of 1987 and RCW 43.88.030 are each amended to read as follows:

          (1) The director of financial management shall provide all agencies with a complete set of instructions for submitting biennial budget requests to the director at least three months before agency budget documents are due into the office of financial management.  The budget document or documents shall consist of the governor's budget message which shall be explanatory of the budget and shall contain an outline of the proposed financial policies of the state for the ensuing fiscal period and shall describe in connection therewith the important features of the budget.  The message shall set forth the reasons for salient changes from the previous fiscal period in expenditure and revenue items and shall explain any major changes in financial policy.  Attached to the budget message shall be such supporting schedules, exhibits and other explanatory material in respect to both current operations and capital improvements as the governor shall deem to be useful to the legislature.  The budget document or documents shall set forth a proposal for expenditures in the ensuing fiscal period based upon the estimated revenues  and caseloads as approved by the economic ((and)), revenue , and caseload forecast council for such fiscal period from the source and at the rates existing by law at the time of submission of the budget document.  However, the estimated revenues or caseloads for use in the governor's budget document may be adjusted to reflect budgetary revenue transfers ((and)), revenue estimates dependent upon budgetary assumptions of enrollments, workloads, and caseloads, and policy and program changes.  All adjustments to the approved estimated revenues and caseloads must be set forth in the budget document.  The governor may additionally submit, as an appendix to each agency budget or to the budget document or documents, a proposal for expenditures in the ensuing fiscal period from revenue sources derived from proposed changes in existing statutes.

          The budget document or documents shall also contain:

          (a) Revenues classified by fund and source for the immediately past fiscal period, those received or anticipated for the current fiscal period, and those anticipated for the ensuing biennium;

          (b) The undesignated fund balance or deficit, by fund;

          (c) Such additional information dealing with expenditures, revenues, workload, performance and personnel as the legislature may direct by law or concurrent resolution;

          (d) Such additional information dealing with revenues and expenditures as the governor shall deem pertinent and useful to the legislature;

          (e) Tabulations showing expenditures classified by fund, function, activity and object; and

          (f) A delineation of each agency's activities, including those activities funded from nonbudgeted, nonappropriated sources, including funds maintained outside the state treasury.

          (2) The budget document or documents shall include detailed estimates of all anticipated revenues applicable to proposed operating or capital expenditures and shall also include all proposed operating or capital expenditures.  The total of beginning undesignated fund balance and estimated revenues less working capital and other reserves shall equal or exceed the total of proposed applicable expenditures. The budget document or documents shall further include:

          (a) Interest, amortization and redemption charges on the state debt;

          (b) Payments of all reliefs, judgments and claims;

          (c) Other statutory expenditures;

          (d) Expenditures incident to the operation for each agency;

          (e) Revenues derived from agency operations;

          (f) Expenditures and revenues shall be given in comparative form showing those incurred or received for the immediately past fiscal period and those anticipated for the current biennium and next ensuing biennium;

          (h) Common school expenditures on a fiscal-year basis.

          (3) A separate budget document or schedule may be submitted consisting of:

          (a) Expenditures incident to current or pending capital projects and to proposed new capital projects, relating the respective amounts proposed to be raised therefor by appropriations in the budget and the respective amounts proposed to be raised therefor by the issuance of bonds during the fiscal period;

          (b) A capital program consisting of proposed capital projects for at least the two fiscal periods succeeding the next fiscal period.  The capital program shall include for each proposed project a statement of the reason or purpose for the project along with an estimate of its cost;

          (c) Such other information bearing upon capital projects as the governor shall deem to be useful to the legislature;

          (d) Such other information relating to capital improvement projects as the legislature may direct by law or concurrent resolution.

          (4) No change affecting the comparability of agency or program information relating to expenditures, revenues, workload, performance and personnel shall be made in the format of any budget document or report presented to the legislature under this section or RCW 43.88.160(1) relative to the format of the budget document or report which was presented to the previous regular session of the legislature during an odd-numbered year without prior legislative concurrence.  Prior legislative concurrence shall consist of (a) a favorable majority vote on the proposal by the standing committees on ways and means of both houses if the legislature is in session or (b) a favorable majority vote on the proposal by members of the legislative evaluation and accountability program committee if the legislature is not in session.


        Sec. 7.  Section 43.88.120, chapter 8, Laws of 1965 as last amended by section 6, chapter 502, Laws of 1987 and RCW 43.88.120 are each amended to read as follows:

          Each agency engaged in the collection of revenues shall prepare estimated revenues and estimated receipts for the current and ensuing biennium and shall submit the estimates to the director of financial management and the director of revenue at times and in the form specified by the directors, along with any other information which the directors may request.

          A copy of such revenue estimates shall be simultaneously submitted to the economic and revenue forecast work group when required by the office of the economic ((and)), revenue, and caseload forecast council.