SB 5737



BYSenators Bailey, Rinehart, Lee, Fleming, Smitherman, Bender, Metcalf and Murray; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction



Providing for annual leave for employees of educational service districts.



House Committe on Education


Majority Report:  Do pass.  (15)

      Signed by Representatives Peery, Chair; Betrozoff, Ranking Republican Member; Brumsickle, Cole, Dorn, Fuhrman, Horn, Jones, Phillips, Pruitt, Rasmussen, Rayburn, Valle, Walker and K. Wilson.


      House Staff:Susan Patrick (786-7111)



                        AS PASSED HOUSE APRIL 13, 1989




Currently, there are no provisions in statute allowing educational service districts (ESD) to grant annual leave and sick leave for educational service district employees, or for such employees to transfer such leave.




Every educational service district board of directors must adopt written policies to provide annual and sick leave of at least ten days for their future employees.  Part-time employees accrue leave proportionately.  Sick leave may not accrue in excess of 12 days per year.


For certificated and non-certificated employees, annual leave accrues at a rate not to exceed 12 days per fiscal year.  Provisions of current contracts, which may conflict with requirements of this statute, continue in effect until the contract expires.  All new contracts must be consistent with this statute.


Leave may not accumulate beyond a maximum of 180 days.  Up to 12 days of unused sick leave per year may be cashed out.


Leave accumulated at the educational service district level may be transferred to other educational service districts, school districts or the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. 


Leave earned prior to the effective date of this act shall be added to leave accumulated after the effective date of this act.


Fiscal Note:      Available.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Don Johnson, Superintendent of Public Instruction.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    Currently, educational service districts are granting sick leave and annual leave to their employees.  It has come to our attention that there is no statutory authority for granting such leave.  We ask that this technical correction be made.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.