SSB 5420



BYSenate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Patterson, Bender, DeJarnatt, Rasmussen and West)



Authorizing issuance of special license plates.



Senate Committee on Transportation


      Senate Hearing Date(s):February 1, 1989; February 14, 1989


Majority Report:  That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5420 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.

      Signed by Senators Patterson, Chairman; Nelson, Vice Chairman; von Reichbauer, Vice Chairman; Barr, Bender, Benitz, Conner, DeJarnatt, McMullen, Madsen, Murray, Sellar, Thorsness.


      Senate Staff:Brad Lovaas (786-7307)

                  March 15, 1989



                       AS PASSED SENATE, MARCH 14, 1989




The Department of Licensing administers many special license plate programs (i.e. disabled veteran, POWs, Pearl Harbor Survivor, Congressional Medal of Honor, etc.) which are authorized by statute.


The Legislature has received requests for special license plates from many charitable and nonprofit groups.  Due to the number of requests for legislative authorization of several new license plates, the Legislature held all special license bills in the 1988 session.  The Department of Licensing was directed to study and recommend criteria for establishing a special license plate program within the department




A special license plate program is established in the Department of Licensing.  Special plates shall not be offensive to good taste or decency.


Eligibility criteria for nonprofit organizations is established.  Eligibility for use of special plates is limited to groups who make a special contribution to Washington State or the United States.  Washington four-year colleges and universities may use special plates to raise funds.


Every person shall pay all original and renewal excise taxes.  Any exemption may only be established by statute.


In addition, the groups that qualify for special plates are changed from all nonprofit organizations registered with the Internal Revenue Service to groups who make special contributions to the United States or Washington State.


Appropriation:    none


Revenue:    yes


Fiscal Note:      requested January 26, 1989


Senate Committee - Testified: Bob Anderson, Department of Licensing; Sandra Brooks, Department of Licensing