SB 5487



BYSenators McCaslin, DeJarnatt and Thorsness



Requiring real estate licensees to disclose certain information in writing.



Senate Committee on Governmental Operations


      Senate Hearing Date(s):January 30, 1990


Majority Report:  Do pass.

      Signed by Senators McCaslin, Chairman; Thorsness, Vice Chairman; DeJarnatt, Patrick, Sutherland.


      Senate Staff:Rod McAulay (786-7754)

                  February 28, 1990



House Committe on Commerce & Labor



                      AS PASSED SENATE, FEBRUARY 5, 1990




The Director of Licensing may suspend or revoke the license of a real estate licensee or impose fines of less than $1,000 for various violations.  Certain disclosures are required by real estate licensees and failure to make them constitutes a violation.  Those disclosures are not required to be made in writing.




Real estate licensees advertising their own property for sale must disclose only that they hold a real estate license.  Licensees must disclose in writing when representing both parties to a real estate transaction, or when directing a principal to a lending institution from which the licensee expects a fee for such recommendation.


Appropriation:    none


Revenue:    none


Fiscal Note:      none requested


Senate Committee - Testified: Robert S. Mitchell, Department of Licensing





The requirement that the disclosure by a realtor of kickbacks or rebates received for referrals of principals to lendors or escrow companies be made in writing is deleted.