ESB 5536



BYSenators McCaslin, DeJarnatt, McDonald, Bailey, Gaspard, Wojahn, West, Rasmussen, Warnke, Nelson, Vognild, Johnson, Kreidler, Pullen, Moore, Thorsness, Smith, Hansen, Conner, Saling, Sellar, Madsen, Talmadge, Fleming, Smitherman, Bender, Owen, McMullen, Sutherland and Bauer



Revising provisions for the state employees' benefits board.



Senate Committee on Governmental Operations


      Senate Hearing Date(s):February 6, 1989


Majority Report:  Do pass.

      Signed by Senators McCaslin, Chairman; DeJarnatt, Sutherland.


      Senate Staff:Desley Brooks (786-7443)

                  April 7, 1989



House Committe on State Government



                        AS PASSED SENATE, MARCH 9, 1989




Prior to October 1, 1988, health care and other forms of insurance benefits were provided to state employees through contracts negotiated by the State Employees Insurance Board (SEIB).  The SEIB was composed of representatives of the Governor, higher education faculty and administrators, the director of the Department of Personnel, employee unions and associations, retired persons and the Legislature.  As of October 1, 1988 all of the functions of the SEIB were transferred to the State Employees' Benefits Board (SEBB).  The composition of the board remained essentially the same except the retired member was removed.




One member of the State Employees' Benefits Board shall be a retired state employee who:  (1) represents an organized group of retired public employees, and (2) is covered by a program under the jurisdiction of the board.  The act shall take effect October 1, 1990.


Appropriation:    none


Revenue:    none


Fiscal Note:      none requested


Senate Committee - Testified: Gary Christenson, Washington Health Care Authority (con); Gus Schwartz, Retired Public Employees (pro); Mark Brown, Washington Federation of State Employees (pro)





The October 1, 1990 effective date is removed.