SB 6375



BYSenator Moore



Prohibiting insurance policies from limiting where prescription medicines may be purchased.



Senate Committee on Financial Institutions & Insurance


      Senate Hearing Date(s):January 26, 1990


      Senate Staff:Gerard S. Poliquin (786-7403)



                            AS OF JANUARY 25, 1990




A growing number of health care insurance providers limit where those they insure may purchase their prescription medicines covered by the insurance.




The Legislature recognizes the problems presented by an insurance provider limiting where its customers may purchase their prescriptions. 


All disability insurance policies, group disability insurance policies, health care service contracts, and public employee health plans issued, established or renewed after January 1, 1991, that provide for payment of all or a portion of an insured's prescription medicines, may not limit where prescription medicines may be purchased.


Appropriation:    none


Revenue:    none


Fiscal Note:      none requested