SB 6408



BYSenators Patterson, Bender, Thorsness, Hansen and Talmadge; by request of Governor



Adopting the supplemental transportation budget.



Senate Committee on Transportation


      Senate Hearing Date(s):January 17, 1990; February 6, 1990; February 26, 1990


Majority Report:  Do pass.

      Signed by Senators Patterson, Chairman; Thorsness, Vice Chairman; von Reichbauer, Vice Chairman; Bender, Benitz, Conner, DeJarnatt, Hansen, McMullen, Madsen, Murray, Patrick.


      Senate Staff:Robin Rettew (786-7306); Brad Lovaas (786-7307)

                  March 3, 1990



House Committe on Rules



                        AS PASSED SENATE, MARCH 1, 1990




The 1989 Legislature adopted a $2.0 billion budget for the 1989-91 biennium for all transportation agencies.  This was a "no tax" increase budget.




The Governor's 1990 transportation supplemental budget adds $151.5 million, bringing the 1989-91 biennium total to $2.2 billion, an increase of 7.3 percent.  This budget assumes passage of the comprehensive 1990 revenue bill.  Major enhancements include:


1) $12.4 million for a new county arterial preservation program;


2) $6.9 million for increased funding for the county rural arterial program;


3) $41.3 million for the Transportation Improvement Board which has been unfunded since it was created in 1988;


4) $3.0 million for the Transportation Commission to provide two studies, one on the programming and prioritization process of construction projects, and the other on cost accounting;


5) $50.0 million for the regular Category C program at the Department of Transportation;


6) $5.0 million for special Category C projects including the First Avenue South Bridge, SR 18 between Auburn and I-90, and the North-South corridor in Spokane;


7) $3.1 million for removal of toll booths and preliminary engineering for the Spokane River Bridge and redemption of outstanding bonds;


8) $4.1 million from the new high capacity transit program including $3.4 million for high capacity planning grants, $.2 million for high capacity administration, $.2 million for freight rail administration, and $.2 million for Amtrak studies;


9) $1.5 million for acquisition of a fourth passenger only vessel, completion of passenger only terminal construction, and preliminary design work at the Sidney terminal;


10) $4.1 million for passenger only operating funds, continuation of the Sidney terminal lease, and completion of the payroll project;


11) $24 million for a new State Patrol headquarters facility (contingent on bond bill/bond bill not introduced);


12) $.5 million for completion of the county auditor automation project (CAAP) at the Department of Licensing;


13) $1.9 million reduction of transportation funds to complete cost accounting study fund shifts; and


14) $.4 million for strategic planning for information services at the Department of Licensing.


Appropriation:    $151.5 million


Revenue:    none


Fiscal Note:      none requested


Effective Date:The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.


Senate Committee - Testified: Ernie Geissler, CRAB; George Tellevik, WSP; Mary Faulk, DOL; Betty Ingham, Yakima County Auditor; Pam Barrett, WA Association of Vehicle Subagents; Dena McCollum, WA Association of Vehicle Subagents; Jim Buck, King County General Services Division; Duane Berentson, DOT; Jim Clemen, DOT; Norm McKibben, Transportation Commission; Dennis Ingham, DOT; Victor Moore, OFM; Jim Toohey, DOT; Harold Parker, WSF; Mike Ryherd, Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency; Paul Locke, citizen; Norbert Mueller, citizen





The cost responsibility and programming/prioritization studies for the Transportation Commission are eliminated.  The county auditor study date is changed from June 30, 1990 to January 10, 1991 for the Department of Licensing.