Z-79                  _______________________________________________


                                                   HOUSE BILL NO. 1026



State of Washington                               51st Legislature                              1989 Regular Session


By Representatives Spanel, R. King, S. Wilson, Haugen, Nelson, Brekke and K. Wilson; by request of Department of Fisheries



Read first time 1/11/89 and referred to Committee on Fisheries & Wildlife. Referred 1/27/89 to Committee on Appropriations.



AN ACT Relating to commercial sea urchin fishing; amending RCW 75.30.050; adding a new section to chapter 75.30 RCW; creating a new section; and declaring an emergency.




          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.     The legislature finds that a significant commercial sea urchin fishery is developing within state waters.  The potential for depletion of the sea urchin stocks in these waters is increasing, particularly as the sea urchin fishery becomes an attractive alternative to fishermen facing increasing restrictions on other types of commercial fishery activities.

          The legislature finds that the number of commercial fishermen engaged in sea urchin fishing has steadily increased.  This factor, combined with advances in marketing techniques, has resulted in strong pressures on the supply of sea urchins.

          The legislature finds that increased regulation of commercial sea urchin fishing is necessary to preserve and efficiently manage the commercial sea urchin fishery in the waters of the state.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  A new section is added to chapter 75.30 RCW to read as follows:

          (1) After October 1, 1989, it is unlawful to commercially take any species of sea urchin using shellfish diver gear without first obtaining a sea urchin endorsement to accompany a shellfish diver license.  A sea urchin endorsement to a shellfish diver license issued under RCW 75.28.130(4) shall be limited to those vessels which:

          (a) Held a commercial shellfish diver license, excluding clams, between January 1, 1988, and December 31, 1988, or had transferred to the vessel such a license;

          (b) Have not transferred the license to another vessel; and

          (c) Can establish, by means of dated shellfish receiving documents issued by the department, that twenty thousand pounds of sea urchins were caught and landed under the license during the period of April 1, 1986, through March 31, 1988.

          (2) In addition to the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, after December 31, 1991, sea urchin endorsements to shellfish diver licenses issued under RCW 75.28.130(4) may be issued only to vessels:

          (a) Which held a sea urchin endorsement to a shellfish diver license during the previous year or had transferred to the vessel such a license; and

          (b) From which twenty thousand pounds of sea urchins were caught and landed in this state during the two-year period ending March 31 of an odd-numbered year, as documented by valid shellfish receiving documents issued by the department.

          Where failure to obtain the license during the previous year was the result of a license suspension or revocation by the department, the vessel may qualify for a license by establishing that the vessel held such a license during the last year in which it was eligible.

          (3) The director may reduce or waive the landing requirement established under subsection (2)(b) of this section upon the recommendation of a board of review established under section 3 of this act.  The board of review may recommend a reduction or waiver of the landing requirement in individual cases if in the board's judgment, extenuating circumstances prevent achievement of the landing requirement.  The director shall adopt rules governing the operation of the board of review and defining "extenuating circumstances."

          (4) Sea urchin endorsements issued under this section are not transferable from one owner to another owner, except from parent to child or upon the death of the owner.  This restriction applies to all changes in the vessel owner's name on the license, including (a) changes during the license year, and (b) changes during the license renewal process between years.  This restriction does not prevent changes in vessel operator or transfers between vessels when the vessel owner remains unchanged.  Upon request of a vessel owner, the director may issue a temporary permit to allow the vessel owner to use the license endorsement on a leased or rented vessel.

          (5) If less than forty-five vessels are eligible for sea urchin endorsements, the director may accept applications for new endorsements.  The director shall determine by random selection the successful applicants for the additional endorsements.  The number of additional endorsements issued shall be sufficient to maintain up to forty-five vessels in the sea urchin fishery.  The director shall adopt rules governing the application, selection, and issuance procedure for new sea urchin endorsements, based upon recommendations of a board of review established under RCW 75.30.050.


        Sec. 3.  Section 5, chapter 106, Laws of 1977 ex. sess. as last amended by section 7, chapter 198, Laws of 1986 and RCW 75.30.050 are each amended to read as follows:

          (1) The director shall appoint three-member advisory review boards to hear cases as provided in RCW 75.30.060.  Members shall be from:

          (a) The salmon charter boat fishing industry in cases involving salmon charter boat licenses or angler permits;

          (b) The commercial salmon fishing industry in cases involving commercial salmon licenses;

          (c) The commercial crab fishing industry in cases involving Puget Sound crab license endorsements;

          (d) The commercial herring fishery in cases involving herring validations; ((and))

          (e) The commercial Puget Sound whiting fishery in cases involving Puget Sound whiting license endorsements; and

          (f) The commercial sea urchin fishery in cases involving sea urchin endorsements to shellfish diver licenses.

          (2) Members shall serve at the discretion of the director and shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 4.     This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately.