

                                           ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 1158



State of Washington                               51st Legislature                              1989 Regular Session


By Representatives Holland, Peery, Betrozoff, Cole, Fuhrman, Pruitt, Walker, Jones, Silver, H. Sommers, Brumsickle, Sayan, Nealey, Rayburn, Ebersole, May, Haugen, Baugher, Valle, Leonard, Horn, Rasmussen, D. Sommers, Moyer, G. Fisher, Prentice, Grant, Bristow, Phillips, Miller, Patrick, Jacobsen, Winsley, Kremen, McLean, Crane, Spanel, Inslee and Rector



Read first time 1/18/89 and referred to Committee on Education.



AN ACT Relating to the Washington school directors' association; amending RCW 28A.61.030 and 28A.61.900; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.




        Sec. 1.  Section 28A.61.030, chapter 223, Laws of 1969 ex. sess. as last amended by section 1, chapter 187, Laws of 1983 and RCW 28A.61.030 are each amended to read as follows:

          The school directors' association shall have the power:

          (1) To prepare and adopt, amend and repeal a constitution and rules and regulations, and bylaws for its own organization including county or regional units and for its government and guidance:  PROVIDED, That action taken with respect thereto is consistent with the provisions of this chapter or with other provisions of law;

          (2) To arrange for and call such meetings of the association or of the officers and committees thereof as are deemed essential to the performance of its duties;

          (3) To provide for the payment of travel and subsistence expenses incurred by members and/or officers of the association and association  staff while engaged in the performance of duties under direction of the association in the manner provided by RCW  28A.58.310;

          (4) To employ an executive secretary and other staff and pay such employees out of the funds of the association;

          (5) To conduct studies and disseminate information therefrom relative to increased efficiency in local school board administration;

          (6) To buy, sell or exchange such personal and real property as necessary for the efficient operation of the association;

          (7) To purchase liability insurance for school directors, which insurance may indemnify said directors against any or all liabilities for personal or bodily injuries and property damage arising from their acts or omissions while performing or while in good faith purporting to perform their official duties as school directors;

          (8) To provide advice and assistance to local boards to promote their primary duty of representing the public interest;

          (9) Upon request by a local school district board(s) of directors, to make available on a cost reimbursable contract basis (a) specialized services, (b) research information, and (c) consultants to advise and assist district board(s) in particular problem areas:  PROVIDED, That such services, information, and consultants are not already available from other state agencies, educational service districts, or from the information and research services authorized by RCW 28A.58.530((:  PROVIDED FURTHER, That any such contract shall be filed with the office of financial management and the legislative budget committee prior to the date any work commences under any such contract)).


        Sec. 2.  Section 6, chapter 187, Laws of 1983 and RCW 28A.61.900 are each amended to read as follows:

          The powers and duties of the school director's association terminate on June 30, ((1989)) 1998.  This chapter and RCW 41.06.086 expire June 30, ((1990)) 1999.  The school director's association shall be reviewed before termination under chapter 43.131 RCW.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.     This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect June 30, 1989.