H-2066              _______________________________________________


                                          SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1939



State of Washington                               51st Legislature                              1989 Regular Session


By House Committee on Fisheries & Wildlife (originally sponsored by Representatives Haugen, R. King and Kremen)



Read first time 3/1/89.



AN ACT Relating to advertising in department of fisheries' publications; amending RCW 43.78.030 and 75.08.230; and creating new sections.




          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.     Each year the department of fisheries publishes pamphlets which explain the regulations affecting food fish and shellfish.  Virtually every fisherman obtains at least one copy of the pamphlet, which typically has approximately twenty pages.  The demand for the pamphlet makes it costly to publish, and diminishes the funds available to manage the food fish and shellfish resources.  To defray the cost of publishing and to make funds available to manage the state's food fish and shellfish, the legislature finds it in the public interest to allow the department of fisheries to charge advertisers for printing advertisements in the department's fishing regulations pamphlet and other department publications.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.     In order to defray publishing costs of the department of fisheries' informational materials, the director of fisheries may solicit advertising to be placed in the publication, and may charge a fee for such advertising.  The informational materials shall state that publication of an advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the state of Washington.  No more than fifty percent of any publication may be occupied by advertisements.  Advertising rates applicable to all advertisers shall be established by the department, and be available upon request.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.     There is established in the state general fund a department of fisheries publications revolving fund which consists of moneys received from the sale of advertising space in the department's publications.  Expenditures from this fund may be made only to defray publishing costs of the department's informational materials.


        Sec. 4.  Section 43.78.030, chapter 8, Laws of 1965 as last amended by section 1, chapter 102, Laws of 1988 and RCW 43.78.030 are each amended to read as follows:

          The public printer shall print and bind the session laws, the journals of the two houses of the legislature, all bills, resolutions, documents, and other printing and binding of either the senate or house, as the same may be ordered by the legislature; and such forms, blanks, record books, and printing and binding of every description as may be ordered by all state officers, boards, commissions, and institutions, and the supreme court, and the court of appeals and officers thereof, as the same may be ordered on requisition, from time to time, by the proper authorities.  This section shall not apply to the printing of the supreme court and the court of appeals reports, to the printing of department of fisheries' publications, or to the printing of bond certificates or bond offering disclosure documents.  Where any institution or institution of higher learning of the state is or may become equipped with facilities for doing such work, it may do any printing:  (1) For itself, or (2) for any other state institution when such printing is done as part of a course of study relative to the profession of printer.  Any printing and binding of whatever description as may be needed by any institution of higher learning, institution or agency of the state department of social and health services not at Olympia, or the supreme court or the court of appeals or any officer thereof, the estimated cost of which shall not exceed one thousand dollars, may be done by any private printing company in the general vicinity within the state of Washington so ordering, if in the judgment of the officer of the agency so ordering, the saving in time and processing justifies the award to such local private printing concern.  Further, where any printing or binding needed by an institution of higher education is to be paid for from research grant or contract funds, short course revenues, or other nonstate appropriated funding source, such printing or binding may be done by any private printing company in the  state of Washington, irrespective of the dollar limit specified in this section, when in the judgment of the officer of the institution so ordering, the saving in time or cost justifies the award to such local private printing concern.

          Beginning on July 1, 1989, and on July 1 of each succeeding odd-numbered year, the dollar limit specified in this section shall be adjusted as follows:  The office of financial management shall calculate such limit by adjusting the previous biennium's limit by an appropriate federal inflationary index reflecting the rate of inflation for the previous biennium.  Such amounts shall be rounded to the nearest fifty dollars.


        Sec. 5.  Section 75.08.230, chapter 12, Laws of 1955 as last amended by section 230, chapter 202, Laws of 1987 and RCW 75.08.230 are each amended to read as follows:

          (1) Except as provided in this section, state and county officers receiving the following moneys shall deposit them in the state general fund:

          (a) The sale of licenses and permits required under this title;

          (b) The sale of property seized or confiscated under this title;

          (c) Fines and forfeitures collected under this title;

          (d) The sale of real or personal property held for department purposes;

          (e) Rentals or concessions of the department;

          (f) Moneys received for damages to food fish, shellfish or department property; and

          (g) Gifts.

          (2) The director shall make weekly remittances to the state treasurer of moneys collected by the department.

          (3) All fines and forfeitures collected or assessed by a district court for a violation of this title or rule of the director shall be remitted as provided in chapter 3.62 RCW.

          (4)  Proceeds from the sale of food fish or shellfish taken in test fishing conducted by the department, to the extent that these proceeds exceed the estimates in the budget approved by the legislature, may be allocated as unanticipated receipts under RCW 43.79.270 to reimburse the department for unanticipated costs for test fishing operations in excess of the allowance in the budget approved by the legislature.

          (5)  Proceeds from the sale of salmon and salmon eggs by the department, to the extent these proceeds exceed estimates in the budget approved by the legislature, may be allocated as unanticipated receipts under RCW 43.79.270. Allocations under this subsection shall be made only for hatchery operations partially or wholly financed by sources other than state general revenues or for purposes of processing human consumable salmon for disposal.

          (6) Moneys received by the director under RCW 75.08.045, to the extent these moneys exceed estimates in the budget approved by the legislature, may be allocated as unanticipated receipts under RCW 43.79.270.  Allocations under this subsection shall be made only for the specific purpose for which the moneys were received, unless the moneys were received in settlement of a claim for damages to food fish or shellfish, in which case the moneys may be expended for the conservation of these resources.

          (7) Moneys received by the director for advertising in the department's publications shall be deposited into the publications revolving fund as provided in section 3 of this act.  The director shall use the moneys deposited under this subsection only to defray the costs of publication of the department's informational materials.  Any surplus moneys shall be deposited into the state general fund as provided in subsection (1) of this section.