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from that in the original published version.
House Chamber, Olympia, Tuesday, April 6, 1993
The House was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by the Speaker. The Clerk called the roll and a quorum was present.
The flag was escorted to the rostrum by a Sergeant at Arms Color Guard, Pages Gavin Schmidt and Laura Farina. Inspirational Message was offered by Representative Dorn.
April 5, 1993
Mr. Speaker:
The Senate has passed:
and the same are herewith transmitted.
Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary
Reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with and it was ordered to stand approved.
There being no objection, the House advanced to the sixth order of business.
With the consent of the House, further consider of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5088 was deferred and the bill held its place on the second reading calendar.
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5802, by Senate Committee on Ecology & Parks (originally sponsored by Senators Fraser, Barr and Drew)
Regarding state environmental policy act documents.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representatives Rust and Horn spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Representative Wood, Representative Dyer was excused.
The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5802.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5802 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 1, Excused - 1.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 96.
Absent: Representative Wineberry - 1.
Excused: Representative Dyer - 1.
Substitute Senate Bill No. 5802, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
The Speaker called on Representative R. Meyers to preside.
SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL NO. 8017, by Senators Jesernig and Loveland
Requesting the United States Department of Energy to support the Fast Flux Test Facility at Hanford.
The memorial was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the memorial was placed on final passage.
Representatives Bray and Casada spoke in favor of passage of the memorial.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Joint Memorial No. 8017.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Joint Memorial No. 8017 and the memorial passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Senate Joint Memorial No. 8017, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE BILL NO. 5067, by Senators A. Smith, McCaslin and Nelson
Altering the provisions concerning joint tenancy.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representative Ludwig spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5067.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5067 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Senate Bill No. 5067, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE BILL NO. 5070, by Senators Prentice and Roach
Using labor relations consultants.
The bill was read the second time.
Representative Lisk moved adoption of the following amendment by Representatives Lisk and Chandler:
On page 2, after line 19, insert:
"The state auditor shall require from every employee organization that negotiates a collective bargaining agreement with any taxing district or other political subdivision a report, stating all expenditures for labor relations consultants, with the identification of such consultant, compensation, and the terms and conditions of each arrangement."
Representatives Lisk and Chandler spoke in favor of adoption of the amendment and Representative Heavey spoke against it. The amendment was not adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5070.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5070 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 63, Nays - 35, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brown, Campbell, Cole, G., Conway, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Heavey, Holm, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Locke, Ludwig, Meyers, R., Morris, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Scott, Sheldon, Shin, Springer, Thibaudeau, Valle, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 63.
Voting nay: Representatives Ballard, Brough, Brumsickle, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cooke, Dyer, Edmondson, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Horn, Lisk, Long, Mastin, Mielke, Miller, Morton, Padden, Rayburn, Reams, Schoesler, Sehlin, Sheahan, Silver, Sommers, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thomas, Vance, Van Luven and Wood - 35.
Senate Bill No. 5070, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, consideration of Senate Bill No. 5107 was deferred and the bill held its place on the second reading calendar.
SENATE BILL NO. 5126, by Senators Snyder, Owen, Haugen, Spanel, Sellar, Oke, Bauer, Amondson and Erwin; by request of Department of Fisheries
Correcting references to the geographical landmark on Cape Shoalwater.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representative King spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5126.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5126 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Senate Bill No. 5126, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE BILL NO. 5128, by Senators Moore, Newhouse, Snyder and Amondson
Raising keg registration container size requirements from four to five and one-half gallons.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representatives G. Cole and Lisk spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5128.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5128 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Senate Bill No. 5128, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5260, by Senators Spanel, Owen, Oke, Haugen, Hargrove and Snyder
Requiring salmon food fish to be labeled by its source and common name.
The bill was read the second time.
Representative King moved the committee amendment by Committee on Fisheries and Wildlife not be adopted. (For committee amendments see Journal, 75th Day, March 25, 1993.)The motion was carried.
Representative King moved adoption of the following amendment by Representatives King and Foreman:
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that salmon consumers in Washington benefit from knowing the species and origin of the salmon they purchase. The accurate identification of such species, as well as knowledge of the country or state of origin and of whether they were caught commercially or were farm-raised, is important to consumers.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 69.04 RCW to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout sections 3 through 5 of this act.
(1) "Salmon" means all species of the genus Oncorhynchus, except those classified as game fish in Title 77 RCW, and includes:
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon or king salmon
Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho salmon or silver salmon
Oncorhynchus keta Chum salmon
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Pink salmon
Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon
Salmo salar (in other than Atlantic salmon
its landlocked form)
(2) "Commercially caught" means salmon harvested by commercial fishers.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter 69.04 RCW to read as follows:
With the exception of a commercial fisher engaged in sales of fish to a fish buyer, no person may sell at wholesale or retail any fresh or frozen salmon food fish or cultured aquatic salmon without identifying the species of salmon by its common name to the buyer at the point of sale such that the buyer can make an informed decision in purchasing. A person knowingly violating this section is guilty of misbranding under this chapter. A person who receives misleading or erroneous information about the species of salmon and subsequently inaccurately identifies salmon shall not be guilty of misbranding. This section shall not apply to salmon that is minced, pulverized, coated with batter, or breaded.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 69.04 RCW to read as follows:
With the exception of a commercial fisher engaged in sales of fish to a fish buyer, no person may sell at wholesale or retail any fresh or frozen:
(1) Private sector cultured aquatic salmon without identifying the product as farm-raised salmon; or
(2) Commercially caught salmon designated as food fish under Title 75 RCW without identifying the product as commercially caught salmon.
Identification of the products under subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall be made to the buyer at the point of sale such that the buyer can make an informed decision in purchasing.
A person knowingly violating this section is guilty of misbranding under this chapter. A person who receives misleading or erroneous information about whether the salmon is farm-raised or commercially caught, and subsequently inaccurately identifies salmon shall not be guilty of misbranding. This section shall not apply to salmon that is minced, pulverized, coated with batter, or breaded.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 69.04 RCW to read as follows:
To promote honesty and fair dealing for consumers, the director, in consultation with the director of the department of fisheries, shall adopt rules:
(1) Fixing and establishing a reasonable definition and standard of identity for salmon for purposes of identifying and selling salmon;
(2) Enforcing sections 3 and 4 of this act."
Representatives King spoke in favor of adoption of the amendment and it was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill as amended by the House was placed on final passage.
Representative Foreman spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5260 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5260 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5260 as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE BILL NO. 5265, by Senators Snyder, Winsley, A. Smith, Bauer, Hochstatter, Gaspard, L. Smith, Loveland, Vognild, Skratek and Pelz
Modifying funeral expenses of a deceased person.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representatives Valle and Silver spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5265.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5265 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Senate Bill No. 5265, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) recessed the House until 1:45 p.m.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) called the House to order.
The Clerk called the roll and a quorum was present.
With the consent of the House, the House reverted to the fourth order of business.
HB 2124 by Representatives Patterson and Locke
AN ACT Relating to notice and verification of initiatives, referendums, and other ballot measures; amending RCW 29.27.074 and 29.79.200; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the bill listed on today's introduction sheet under the fourth order of business was referred to the committee so designated.
There being no objection, the House advanced to the sixth order of business.
SENATE BILL NO. 5302, by Senators Owen, Hargrove and Oke
Concerning food fish and shellfish rules.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representatives King and Fuhrman spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Representative J. Kohl, Representative Locke and Springer were excused.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5302.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5302 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 93, Nays - 0, Absent - 3, Excused - 2.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 93.
Absent: Representatives Johnson, R., Morton and Valle - 3.
Excused: Representatives Locke and Springer - 2.
Senate Bill No. 5302, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE BILL NO. 5368, by Senators Owen, Sutherland, McDonald, Bauer, Nelson, Anderson and Erwin
Creating a sales tax exemption for certain vessels.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representatives G. Fisher and Foreman spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Representative Wood, Representative Morton was excused.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5368.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5368 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 92, Nays - 2, Absent - 1, Excused - 3.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 92.
Voting nay: Representatives Dunshee and Peery - 2.
Absent: Representative Valle - 1.
Excused: Representatives Locke, Morton and Springer - 3.
Senate Bill No. 5368, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5378, by Senators M. Rasmussen, Barr, Loveland and Winsley; by request of Department of Agriculture
Modifying the regulation of horticultural plants and facilities.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representatives Rayburn and Schoesler spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5378.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5378 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 95, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 3.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 95.
Excused: Representatives Locke, Morton and Springer - 3.
Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5378, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE BILL NO. 5384, by Senators Moore, Newhouse, McAuliffe and Erwin; by request of Department of Licensing
Regulating investment advisory contracts.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representatives Zellinsky and Mielke spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5384.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5384 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 95, Nays - 1, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 95.
Voting nay: Representative Brown - 1.
Excused: Representatives Locke and Springer - 2.
Senate Bill No. 5384, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
With the consent of the House, the House deferred consideration of Senate Bill No. 5387 and the bill held its place on the second reading calendar.
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5407, by Senators Loveland, Barr and M. Rasmussen
Regarding county administration of agricultural burning permits.
The bill was read the second time. Committee on Environmental Affairs Recommendation: Majority do pass as amended. (For committee amendments see Journal, 78th Day, March 29, 1993)
Representative Rust moved the committee amendment and spoke in favor of it. The committee amendment was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill, as amended by the House, was placed on final passage.
Representative Rust spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5407 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5407 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 97, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 1.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 97.
Excused: Representative Locke - 1.
Substitute Senate Bill No. 5407, as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE BILL NO. 5426, by Senators Loveland, Newhouse, Vognild and Prince; by request of Department of Transportation
Consolidating gross weight permit authority.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representative Jones spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5426.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5426 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 97, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 1.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 97.
Excused: Representative Locke - 1.
Senate Bill No. 5426, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
With consent of the House, the House reverted to consideration of Senate Bill No. 5387.
SENATE BILL NO. 5387, by Senators Fraser, Talmadge and Haugen; by request of Department of Ecology
Including the water pollution control revolving fund in the funds that will be credited with earnings of investments of surplus funds.
The bill was read the second time.
Representative Rust moved the following amendment by Representative Rust:
On page 4, after line 7, insert "NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately."
Representative Rust spoke in favor of adoption of the amendment and it was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill as amended by the House, was placed on final passage.
Representatives Rust and Horn spoke in favor of passage of the bill as amended by the House.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5387 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5387 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 97, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 1.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 97.
Excused: Representative Locke - 1.
Senate Bill No. 5387, as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5442, by Senators Vognild, Sellar, Skratek and von Reichbauer
Clarifying authority of tow truck operators.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representative Jones spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5442.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5442 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 97, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 1.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 97.
Excused: Representative Locke - 1.
Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5442, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
With the consent of the House, the House deferred consideration of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5443 and the bill held its place on the second reading calendar.
SENATE BILL NO. 5484, by Senators Quigley, Roach, Vognild, Prince, Loveland, Moyer, McAuliffe and L. Smith
Preserving rights under prior lien laws.
The bill was read the second time. Committee on Commerce and Labor Recommendation: Do pass as amended. (For committee amendment see Journal, 75th Day, March 25th, 1993)
Representative Heavey moved the committee amendment and spoke in favor of it. The committee amendment was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representatives Heavey and Lisk spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5484 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5484 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 97, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 1.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 97.
Excused: Representative Locke - 1.
Senate Bill No. 5484 as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
With consent of the House, the House reverted to consideration of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5443.
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5443, by Senators M. Rasmussen, Barr and Loveland; by request of Department of Agriculture
Modifying the regulation of livestock.
The bill was read the second time. Committee on Agriculture & Rural Development recommendation: do pass as amended. (For committee amendment see Journal, 78th Day, March 29, 1993.)
Representative Rayburn moved adoption of the committee amendment and spoke in favor of it. The committee amendment was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representatives Rayburn and Chandler spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5443 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5443 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 91, Nays - 7, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 91.
Voting nay: Representatives Ballard, Casada, Fuhrman, Mielke, Padden, Tate and Van Luven - 7.
Substitute Senate Bill No. 5443 as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5534, by Senators Vognild and Prince
Authorizing terminal safety audits of private carriers.
The bill was read the second time. Committee on Transportation recommendation: Majority do pass as amended. (For committee amendment see Journal, 75th Day, March 25th 1993.)
Representative Jones moved adoption of the committee amendment and spoke in favor of it. The committee amendment was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representative Jones spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5534 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5534 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5534 as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5574, by Senators Williams, Moore, Pelz and Franklin
Regulating credit information use.
The bill was read the second time. Committee on Financial Institutions & Insurance recommendation: Majority do pass as amended. (For committee amendment see Journal, 80th Day, March 31st 1993.)
Representative Zellinsky moved adoption of the committee amendment and spoke in favor of it. The committee amendment was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill as amended by the House was placed on final passage.
Representative Zellinsky spoke in favor of passage of the bill as amended by the House.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5574 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5574 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5574 as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
With the consent of the House, the House deferred consideration of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5634 and Senate Bill No. 5638.
ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5694, by Senators Snyder, Sutherland and Vognild
Lowering the age for use of an out-of-state license or learner's permit.
The bill was read the second time. Committee on Transportation recommendation: Majority do pass as amended. (For committee amendment see Journal, 78th Day, March 29, 1993.)
Representative Jones moved adoption of the committee amendment and spoke in favor of it. The committee amendment was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill as amended by the House was placed on final passage.
Representative Jones spoke in favor of passage of the bill as amended by the House.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5694 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5694 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5694 as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE BILL NO. 5704, by Senators Prentice, Moore and Amondson
Penalizing unlawful factoring of credit card transactions.
The bill was read the second time. Committee on Judiciary recommendation: Majority do pass as amended. (For committee amendment see Journal, 80th Day, March 31, 1993.)
Representative Appelwick moved adoption of the committee amendment and it was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill as amended by the House was placed on final passage.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5704 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5704 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Senate Bill No. 5704 as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5778, by Senators Prentice, Hargrove, Jesernig, Prince, Wojahn, Haugen, Franklin, Spanel, Fraser, Barr, Amondson, McAuliffe, Moore, Moyer, Hochstatter and Pelz
Creating a joint underwriting association for midwives.
The bill was read the second time.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Representatives Zellinsky, Chappell and Lemmon spoke in favor of passage of the bill and Representatives Mielke and Dyer spoke against it.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5778.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5778 and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 77, Nays - 21, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Campbell, Carlson, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Morris, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Scott, Sheldon, Shin, Sommers, Springer, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 77.
Voting nay: Representatives Ballard, Ballasiotes, Brumsickle, Casada, Chandler, Dyer, Edmondson, Foreman, Mielke, Miller, Morton, Padden, Riley, Schoesler, Sehlin, Sheahan, Silver, Stevens, Tate, Vance and Wood - 21.
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5778, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
With the consent of the House, the House deferred consideration of Senate Bill No. 5815.
SENATE BILL NO. 5851, by Senators Gaspard and Sellar
Changing the membership of the joint legislative systems committee.
The bill was read the second time.
Representative Reams moved the following amendment by Representative Reams and Anderson:
On page 1, line 10, strike "((eight)) four" and insert "eight"
On page 1, line 13, strike "A member" and insert "((A member)) Two members"
On page 1, line 18, strike "A member" and insert "((A member)) Two members"
Representative Reams spoke in favor of adoption of the amendment and it was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill as amended by the House, was placed on final passage.
Representative Anderson spoke in favor of passage of the bill as amended by the House.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5851 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5851 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Senate Bill No. 5851, as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE BILL NO. 5922, by Senators Snyder, Deccio, Vognild and Newhouse
Regarding the use of controlled substances by advanced registered nurse practitioners, certified nurse anesthetists.
The bill was read the second time. Committee on Health Care recommendation: Majority do pass as amended. (For committee amendments see Journal, 80th Day, March 31, 1993.)
Representative Dellwo moved adoption of the committee amendment and spoke in favor of the amendment. The committee amendment was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill as amended by the House was placed on final passage.
Representative Dellwo yielded to question by Representative Dyer.
Representative Dyer: Is it the intent of the legislation to confer rulemaking authority on the Board of Nursing regarding the content of the protocols required by this bill?
Representative Dellwo: No, it is our intent that each facility will develop the protocols consistent with this legislation.
Representative Dyer spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5922 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5922 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Senate Bill No. 5922, as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL NO. 8021, by Senators Williams, McCaslin, Fraser, Talmadge, M. Rasmussen, Moore, Deccio, Sutherland, Barr and Franklin
Requesting federal assistance with implementing the safe drinking water act.
The memorial was read the second time. Committee on Environmental Affairs recommendation: Majority do pass as amended. (For committee amendment see Journal, 73rd Day, March 24, 1993.)
Representative Rust moved adoption of the committee amendment.
Representatives Rust and Horn spoke in favor of the committee amendment. The committee amendment was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the memorial as amended by the House was placed on final passage.
Representative Rust spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Joint Memorial No. 8021 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Joint Memorial No. 8021 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Senate Joint Memorial No. 8021 as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
With the consent of the House, the House reverted to consideration of Senate Bill No. 5107.
SENATE BILL NO. 5107, by Senators Sutherland and A. Smith
Concerning arrest without warrant.
The bill was read the second time.
With the consent of the House, Representative Eide withdrew amendment No. 318.
Representative Eide moved the following amendment by Representatives Eide, Appelwick and Padden:
On page 3, after line 32 insert "For purposes of this subsection, the term "firearm" has the meaning defined in RCW 9.41.010 and the term "dangerous weapon" has the meaning defined in RCW 9.41.250 and 9.41.280 (1) (c) through (e)."
Representative Eide spoke in favor of adoption of the amendment and it was adopted.
On motion of Representative Sheldon, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill as amended by the House, was placed on final passage.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 5107 as amended by the House.
The Clerk called the roll on final passage of Senate Bill No. 5107 as amended by the House and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 98, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 0.
Voting yea: Representatives Anderson, Appelwick, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Basich, Bray, Brough, Brown, Brumsickle, Campbell, Carlson, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Cole, G., Conway, Cooke, Cothern, Dellwo, Dorn, Dunshee, Dyer, Edmondson, Eide, Finkbeiner, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Flemming, Foreman, Forner, Fuhrman, Grant, Hansen, Heavey, Holm, Horn, Jacobsen, Johanson, Johnson, L., Johnson, R., Jones, Karahalios, Kessler, King, Kohl, J., Kremen, Lemmon, Leonard, Linville, Lisk, Locke, Long, Ludwig, Mastin, Meyers, R., Mielke, Miller, Morris, Morton, Myers, H., Ogden, Orr, Padden, Patterson, Peery, Pruitt, Quall, Rayburn, Reams, Riley, Roland, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Shin, Silver, Sommers, Springer, Stevens, Talcott, Tate, Thibaudeau, Thomas, Valle, Vance, Van Luven, Veloria, Wang, Wineberry, Wolfe, Wood, Zellinsky and Mr. Speaker - 98.
Senate Bill No. 5107, as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) declared the House to be at ease.
The Speaker (Representative R. Meyers presiding) called the House to order.
April 6, 1993
Mr. Speaker:
The President has signed:
and the same are herewith transmitted
Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary
April 6, 1993
Mr. Speaker:
The President has signed:
and the same are herewith transmitted
Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary
April 6, 1993
Mr. Speaker:
The Senate has passed:
and the same are herewith transmitted
Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary
There being no objection, the House advanced to the eleventh order of business.
On motion of Representative Anderson, the House adjourned until 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, April 7, 1993.