PDFRCW 2.48.190

Qualifications on admission to practice.

No person shall be permitted to practice as an attorney or counselor at law or to do work of a legal nature for compensation, or to represent himself or herself as an attorney or counselor at law or qualified to do work of a legal nature, unless he or she is a bona fide resident of this state and has been admitted to practice law in this state: PROVIDED, That any person may appear and conduct his or her own case in any action or proceeding brought by or against him or her, or may appear in his or her own behalf in the small claims department of the district court: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That an attorney of another state may appear as counselor in a court of this state without admission, upon satisfying the court that his or her state grants the same right to attorneys of this state.
[ 2023 c 102 s 2; 1987 c 202 s 107; 1921 c 126 s 4; RRS s 139-4. Prior: 1919 c 100 s 1; 1917 c 115 s 1.]


Rules of court: AdmissionAPR 5.
Reviser's note: Last proviso, see later enactment, RCW 2.48.170.
Intent1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.