PDFRCW 11.130.335

Special limitations on guardian's power.

(1) A guardian for an adult does not have the power to revoke or amend a power of attorney for health care or power of attorney for finances executed by the adult. If a power of attorney for health care is in effect, unless there is a court order to the contrary, a health care decision of an agent takes precedence over that of the guardian and the guardian shall cooperate with the agent to the extent feasible. If a power of attorney for finances is in effect, unless there is a court order to the contrary, a decision by the agent which the agent is authorized to make under the power of attorney for finances takes precedence over that of the guardian and the guardian shall cooperate with the agent to the extent feasible. The court has authority to revoke or amend any power of attorney executed by the adult.
(2) A guardian for an adult shall not initiate the commitment of the adult to an evaluation and treatment facility except in accordance with the provisions of chapter 10.77, 71.05, or 72.23 RCW.
(3) Unless authorized by the court in accordance with subsection (4) of this section within the past thirty days, a guardian for an adult may not consent to any of the following procedures for the adult:
(a) Therapy or other procedure to induce convulsion;
(b) Surgery solely for the purpose of psychosurgery; or
(c) Other psychiatric or mental health procedures that restrict physical freedom of movement or the rights set forth in RCW 71.05.217.
(4) The court may order a procedure listed in subsection (3) of this section only after giving notice to the adult's attorney and holding a hearing. If the adult does not have an attorney, the court must appoint an attorney for the adult prior to entering an order under this subsection.
(5) Persons under a guardianship, conservatorship, or other protective arrangements—Right to associate with persons of their choosing.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, an adult subject to a guardianship, conservatorship, or other protective arrangement retains the right to associate with other persons of the adult's choosing. This right includes, but is not limited to, the right to freely communicate and interact with other persons, whether through in-person visits, telephone calls, electronic communication, personal mail, or other means. If the adult subject to a guardianship, conservatorship, or other protective arrangement is unable to express consent for communication, visitation, or interaction with another person, or is otherwise unable to make a decision regarding association with another person, the guardian, conservator, or person acting under a protective arrangement, whether full or limited, must:
(i) Personally inform the adult subject to a guardianship, conservatorship, or other protective arrangement of the decision under consideration, using plain language, in a manner calculated to maximize the understanding of the adult;
(ii) Maximize the adult's participation in the decision-making process to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the adult's abilities; and
(iii) Give substantial weight to the adult's preferences, both expressed and historical.
(b) A guardian or limited guardian, a conservator or limited conservator, or a person acting under a protective arrangement may not restrict an adult's right to communicate, visit, interact, or otherwise associate with persons of the adult's choosing, unless:
(i) The restriction is specifically authorized by the court in the court order establishing or modifying the guardianship or limited guardianship, the conservatorship or limited conservatorship, or the protective arrangement under this chapter;
(ii) The restriction is pursuant to a protection order issued under chapter 7.105 RCW, or other law, that limits contact between the adult under a guardianship, conservatorship, or other protective arrangement and other persons;
(iii)(A) The guardian or limited guardian, the conservator or limited conservator, or the person acting under the protective arrangement has good cause to believe that there is an immediate need to restrict the adult's right to communicate, visit, interact, or otherwise associate with persons of the adult's choosing in order to protect the adult from abuse, neglect, abandonment, or financial exploitation, as those terms are defined in RCW 74.34.020, or to protect the adult from activities that unnecessarily impose significant distress on the adult; and
(B) Within fourteen calendar days of imposing the restriction under (b)(iii)(A) of this subsection, the guardian or limited guardian, the conservator or limited conservator, or the person acting under the protective arrangement files a petition for a vulnerable adult protection order under chapter 7.105 RCW. The immediate need restriction may remain in place until the court has heard and issued an order or decision on the petition; or
(iv) The restriction is pursuant to participation in the community protection program under chapter 71A.12 RCW.
(6) A vulnerable adult protection order under chapter 7.105 RCW issued to protect the adult under a guardianship, conservatorship, or other protective arrangement as described in subsection (5)(b)(iii)(B) of this section:
(a) Must include written findings of fact and conclusions of law;
(b) May not be more restrictive than necessary to protect the adult from abuse, neglect, abandonment, or financial exploitation as those terms are defined in RCW 7.105.010; and
(c) May not deny communication, visitation, interaction, or other association between the adult and another person unless the court finds that placing reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions is unlikely to sufficiently protect the adult from abuse, neglect, abandonment, or financial exploitation as those terms are defined in RCW 7.105.010.
[ 2021 c 215 s 126; 2020 c 312 s 206; 2019 c 437 s 315.]


Effective date2022 c 268; 2021 c 215: See note following RCW 7.105.900.
Effective dates2020 c 312: See note following RCW 11.130.915.