PDFRCW 15.36.151

Unlawful to sell, offer for sale, or deliver certain productsDiseased animalsColostrumExceptions.

It is unlawful to sell, offer for sale, or deliver:
(1) Milk or products produced from milk from cows, goats, or other mammals affected with disease or of which the owner thereof has refused official examination and tests for disease; or
(2) Colostrum milk for consumption by humans, except that this prohibition regarding colostrum milk does not apply to:
(a) Colostrum milk made or to be made available to persons having multiple sclerosis, or other persons acting on their behalf, who, at the time of the initial sale, present a form, signed by a licensed physician, certifying that the intended user has multiple sclerosis and that the user releases the provider of the milk from liability resulting from the consumption of the milk; or
(b) Colostrum milk processed or to be processed by a licensed food processing facility or a milk processing plant as a nutritional supplement in accordance with the federal dietary supplement health and education act. Colostrum milk used for this purpose must be pasteurized or otherwise subjected to a heat process or other treatment sufficient to kill harmful organisms.
Colostrum milk described in subsection (2)(a) or (b) of this section is exempt from the prohibition provided by subsection (2) of this section if it comes from a licensed producer. Such colostrum milk is also exempt from meeting the standards for grade A raw milk required by this chapter.
[ 2000 c 97 s 1; 1999 c 291 s 7; 1994 c 143 s 303; 1981 c 321 s 1; 1961 c 11 s 15.32.160. Prior: 1929 c 213 s 9; 1919 c 192 s 49; RRS s 6211. Formerly RCW 15.32.160.]