PDFRCW 15.125.040

Licensee facilitiesDepartment may inspectCertificationFinesEnforcement actions.

(1) The department may inspect licensee facilities to verify compliance with this chapter and rules adopted under it.
(2) The department may deny, suspend, or revoke a certification provided for in this chapter if the department determines that an applicant or certified person has violated this chapter or rules adopted under it.
(3) The department may impose on and collect from any person who has violated this chapter or rules adopted under it a civil fine not exceeding the total of:
(a) The state's estimated costs of investigating and taking appropriate administrative and enforcement actions for the violation; and
(b) One thousand dollars.
(4) The board may take enforcement actions against a cannabis producer, cannabis processor, or cannabis retailer license issued by the board, including suspension or revocation of the license, when a licensee continues to violate this chapter after revocation of its certification or, if uncertified, receiving written notice from the department of certification requirements.
(5) The provisions of this chapter are cumulative and nonexclusive and do not affect any other remedy at law.
[ 2022 c 16 s 17; 2017 c 317 s 21.]


IntentFinding2022 c 16: See note following RCW 69.50.101.
FindingsApplication2017 c 317: See notes following RCW 69.50.325.