PDFRCW 16.60.050

Partition fenceHog fencing.

The respective owners of adjoining inclosures [enclosures] shall keep up and maintain in good repair all partition fences between such inclosures [enclosures] in equal shares, so long as they shall continue to occupy or improve the same; and in case either of the parties shall desire to make such fence capable of turning hogs and the other party does not desire to use it for such purpose, then the party desiring to use it shall have the right to attach hog-fencing material to the posts of such fence, which hog fencing shall remain the property of the party who put it up, and he or she may remove it at any time he or she desires: PROVIDED, That he or she leaves the fence in as good condition as it was when the hog fencing was by him or her attached, the natural decay of the posts excepted. The attaching of such hog fencing shall not relieve the other party from the duty of keeping in repair his or her part of such fence, as to all materials used in said fence additional to said hog fencing.
[ 2011 c 336 s 427; 1907 c 13 s 2; Code 1881 s 2494; 1873 p 449 s 7; 1871 p 65 s 7; 1869 p 325 s 7; RRS s 5447.]


ReimbursementHog fencing: RCW 16.60.020.