PDFRCW 19.94.005


The legislature finds:
(1) The accuracy of weighing and measuring instruments and devices used in commerce in the state of Washington affects every consumer throughout the state and is of vital importance to the public interest.
(2) Fair weights and measures are equally important to business and the consumer.
(3) This chapter safeguards the consuming public and ensures that businesses receive proper compensation for the commodities they deliver.
[ 1995 c 355 s 3; 1992 c 237 s 1.]


ApplicationEffective dates1995 c 355: See notes following RCW 19.94.015.
Intent1992 c 237: "Until such time as the study in section 38, chapter 237, Laws of 1992, is completed, it is the intent of the legislature that consumer protection activities of the department of agriculture weights and measures program be funded by the general fund and that device inspection related activities be funded on a fee-for-service basis." [ 1992 c 237 s 2.]