PDFRCW 24.03A.960

Charitable asset protection account.

(1) The Washington state attorney general charitable asset protection account is created in the custody of the state treasurer. Only the attorney general or the attorney general's designee may authorize expenditures from the account. Moneys in the account shall be used exclusively for:
(a) The costs associated with the attorney general's enforcement of the provisions of this chapter governing the distribution, disposition, management, or expenditure of, or reporting obligations relating to, property held for charitable purposes, or the proper administration of a charitable corporation or property held for charitable purposes;
(b) The costs associated with the attorney general's review and handling of notices and requests submitted to the attorney general under the provisions of this chapter including, but not limited to, binding agreements described in RCW 24.03A.195, major changes in purposes or programs reported under RCW 24.03A.075, and notices of proposed transactions under RCW 24.03A.640 through 24.03A.942;
(c) The costs associated with the attorney general's review and handling of notices and requests submitted to the attorney general in connection with the release or modification under RCW 24.55.045 of restrictions applicable to institutional funds;
(d) The costs associated with the attorney general's supervision of charitable trusts under the authority granted in chapter 11.110 RCW, including review and handling of binding agreements under chapter 11.96A RCW, involving assets held in charitable trust; and
(e) The charitable solicitation education program.
An appropriation is not required for expenditures, but the account is subject to allotment procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW.
(2)(a) The secretary of state shall collect a charitable asset protection fee, in addition to fees that the secretary of state may set under RCW 24.03A.085, for filing:
(i) Annual reports under RCW 24.03A.070;
(ii) Articles of incorporation of newly formed corporations under RCW 24.03A.100;
(iii) Articles of domestication under RCW 24.03A.795; and
(iv) Articles of domestication and conversion under RCW 24.03A.840.
(b) The charitable asset protection fee is fifty dollars per year, reduced to ten dollars if the corporation certifies that its total gross revenue in the most recent fiscal year was less than five hundred thousand dollars.
(c) Revenue generated from the charitable asset protection fee must be distributed as follows:
(i) Ninety-five percent of the revenue must be deposited into the Washington state attorney general charitable asset protection account created in subsection (1) of this section; and
(ii) Five percent of the revenue must be deposited into the secretary of state's revolving fund to cover the administrative costs of assessing the fee.
[ 2021 c 176 s 4109.]


Effective date2021 c 176: See note following RCW 24.03A.005.