PDFRCW 26.33.130

Termination orderEffect.

(1) If the court determines, after a hearing, that the parent-child relationship should be terminated pursuant to RCW 26.33.090 or 26.33.120, the court shall enter an appropriate order terminating the parent-child relationship.
(2) An order terminating the parent-child relationship divests the parent and the child of all legal rights, powers, privileges, immunities, duties, and obligations with respect to each other except past-due child support obligations owed by the parent.
(3) The parent-child relationship may be terminated with respect to one parent without affecting the parent-child relationship between the child and the other parent.
(4) The parent or *alleged father whose parent-child relationship with the child has been terminated is not thereafter entitled to notice of proceedings for the adoption of the child by another, nor has the parent or *alleged father any right to contest the adoption or otherwise to participate in the proceedings unless an appeal from the termination order is pending or unless otherwise ordered by the court.
[ 1984 c 155 s 13.]


*Reviser's note: RCW 26.33.020 was amended by 2019 c 46 s 5034, changing the definition of "alleged father" to "alleged genetic parent."