PDFRCW 28A.230.090

High school graduation requirements or equivalenciesCareer and college ready graduation requirements and waiversReevaluation of graduation requirements.

(1) In accordance with statutory authority of the state board of education provided in RCW 28A.305.130(4), the state board of education shall establish high school graduation requirements or equivalencies for students, except as provided in RCW 28A.230.122 and 28A.230.710 and except those equivalencies established by local high schools or school districts under RCW 28A.230.097.
(2)(a) The state board of education shall adopt rules to implement the career and college ready graduation requirement proposal adopted under board resolution on November 10, 2010, and revised on January 9, 2014, to take effect beginning with the graduating class of 2019 or as otherwise provided in this subsection (2). The rules must include authorization for a school district to waive up to two credits for individual students based on a student's circumstances, provided that none of the waived credits are identified as mandatory core credits by the state board of education. School districts must adhere to written policies authorizing the waivers that must be adopted by each board of directors of a school district that grants diplomas. The rules must also provide that the content of the third credit of mathematics and the content of the third credit of science may be chosen by the student based on the student's interests and high school and beyond plan with agreement of the student's parent or guardian or agreement of the school counselor or principal, or as provided in RCW 28A.230.300(4).
(b) School districts may apply to the state board of education for a waiver to implement the career and college ready graduation requirement proposal beginning with the graduating class of 2020 or 2021 instead of the graduating class of 2019. In the application, a school district must describe why the waiver is being requested, the specific impediments preventing timely implementation, and efforts that will be taken to achieve implementation with the graduating class proposed under the waiver. The state board of education shall grant a waiver under this subsection (2)(b) to an applying school district at the next subsequent meeting of the board after receiving an application.
Graduation requirements established by the state board of education may not obligate students to complete a culminating project as a graduation prerequisite.
(3) In accordance with the duties required by subsection (1) of this section, the state board of education shall also:
(a) Periodically reevaluate the graduation requirements and shall report such findings to the legislature in a timely manner as determined by the state board of education;
(b) Reevaluate the graduation requirements for students enrolled in vocationally intensive and rigorous career and technical education programs, particularly those programs that lead to a certificate or credential that is state or nationally recognized. The purpose of the evaluation is to ensure that students enrolled in these programs have sufficient opportunity to complete the program and earn the program's certificate or credential, and complete other state and local graduation requirements; and
(c) Forward any proposed changes to graduation requirements to the education committees of the legislature for review. The legislature shall have the opportunity to act during a regular legislative session before proposed changes may be adopted by rule of the state board of education. Changes that have a fiscal impact on school districts, as identified by a fiscal analysis prepared by the office of the superintendent of public instruction, may take effect only if authorized and funded through the omnibus appropriations act or other enacted legislation.
[ 2024 c 66 s 2; 2023 c 271 s 2; 2021 c 307 s 2; 2020 c 307 s 6; (2020 c 7 s 11 expired July 31, 2020); 2019 c 252 s 103; 2018 c 229 s 1; 2017 3rd sp.s. c 31 s 4; 2016 c 162 s 2; 2014 c 217 s 202; 2011 c 203 s 2. Prior: 2009 c 548 s 111; 2009 c 223 s 2; 2006 c 114 s 3; 2005 c 205 s 3; 2004 c 19 s 103; 1997 c 222 s 2; 1993 c 371 s 3; prior: 1992 c 141 s 402; 1992 c 60 s 1; 1990 1st ex.s. c 9 s 301; 1988 c 172 s 1; 1985 c 384 s 2; 1984 c 278 s 6. Formerly RCW 28A.05.060.]


Intent2023 c 271: See note following RCW 28A.230.215.
IntentConflict with federal requirements2020 c 307: See notes following RCW 28B.77.290.
Expiration date2020 c 7 s 11: "Section 11 of this act expires July 31, 2020." [ 2020 c 7 s 12.]
Conflict with federal requirementsEffective date2020 c 7: See notes following RCW 50.16.100.
Intent2019 c 252: See note following RCW 28A.230.710.
Effective date2017 3rd sp.s. c 31: See note following RCW 28A.305.130.
FindingIntent2014 c 217: See note following RCW 28A.150.220.
Intent2009 c 548: See RCW 28A.150.1981.
Finding2009 c 548: See note following RCW 28A.410.270.
IntentFinding2009 c 548: See note following RCW 28A.305.130.
Finding2009 c 223: "The legislature finds that although the United States has long exemplified democratic practice to the rest of the world, we ought not to neglect it at home. Two-thirds of our nation's twelfth graders scored below proficient on the last national civics assessment, and fewer than ten percent could list two ways that a democracy benefits from citizen participation. A healthy democracy depends on the participation of citizens. But participation is learned behavior, and in recent years civic learning has been pushed aside. Preparation for citizenship is as important as preparation for college and a career, and should take its place as a requirement for receiving a high school diploma." [ 2009 c 223 s 1.]
FindingIntent2006 c 114: See note following RCW 28A.230.097.
IntentFindings2005 c 205: See note following RCW 28A.320.170.
Part headings and captions not law2004 c 19: "Part headings and captions used in this act are not any part of the law." [ 2004 c 19 s 301.]
Effective date2004 c 19: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [March 18, 2004]." [ 2004 c 19 s 303.]
Intent1997 c 222: "In 1994, the legislature directed the higher education board and the state board of education to convene a task force to examine and provide recommendations on establishing credit equivalencies. In November 1994, the task force recommended unanimously that the state board of education maintain the definition of five quarter or three semester college credits as equivalent to one high school credit. Therefore, the legislature intends to adopt the recommendations of the task force." [ 1997 c 222 s 1.]
FindingsPart headingsSeverability1992 c 141: See notes following RCW 28A.410.040.
FindingSeverability1990 1st ex.s. c 9: See notes following RCW 28A.225.220.
Severability1984 c 278: See note following RCW 28A.185.010.