PDFRCW 36.36.020

Creation of aquifer protection areaPublic hearingBallot proposition.

The county legislative authority of a county may create one or more aquifer protection areas for the purpose of funding the protection, preservation, and rehabilitation of subterranean water.
When a county legislative authority proposes to create an aquifer protection area it shall conduct a public hearing on the proposal. Notice of the public hearing shall be published at least once, not less than ten days prior to the hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation within the proposed aquifer protection area. The public hearing may be continued to other times, dates, and places announced at the public hearing, without publication of the notice. At the public hearing, the county legislative authority shall hear objections and comments from anyone interested in the proposed aquifer protection area.
After the public hearing, the county legislative authority may adopt a resolution causing a ballot proposition to be submitted to the registered voters residing within the proposed aquifer protection area to authorize the creation of the aquifer protection area, if the county legislative authority finds that the creation of the aquifer protection area would be in the public interest. The resolution shall: (1) Describe the boundaries of the proposed aquifer protection area; (2) find that its creation is in the public interest; (3) state the maximum level of fees for the withdrawal of water, or on-site sewage disposal, occurring in the aquifer protection area, or both; and (4) describe the uses for the fees.
An aquifer protection area shall be created by ordinances of the county if the voters residing in the proposed aquifer protection area approve the ballot proposition by a simple majority vote. The ballot proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
"Shall the . . . (insert the name) aquifer protection area be created and authorized to impose monthly fees on . . . (insert "the withdrawal of water" or "on-site sewage disposal") of not to exceed . . . (insert a dollar amount) per household unit for up to . . . (insert a number of years) to finance . . . (insert the type of activities proposed to be financed)?
Yes . . . . . . . .
No  . . . . . . . ."
If both types of monthly fees are proposed to be imposed, maximum rates for each shall be included in the ballot proposition.
An aquifer protection area may not include territory located within a city or town without the approval of the city or town governing body, nor may it include territory located in the unincorporated area of another county without the approval of the county legislative authority of that county.
[ 1985 c 425 s 2.]