PDFRCW 36.67.010

Authority to contract indebtednessLimitations.

A county may contract indebtedness for general county purposes subject to the limitations on indebtedness provided for in RCW 39.36.020(2). Bonds evidencing such indebtedness shall be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.
[ 1984 c 186 s 27; 1971 c 76 s 1; 1970 ex.s. c 42 s 17; 1963 c 4 s 36.67.010. Prior: 1890 p 37 s 1; RRS s 5575.]


Purpose1984 c 186: See note following RCW 39.46.110.
Validation requirement: RCW 39.40.010.