PDFRCW 43.166.800

BallardInterbay state lands development authorityAuthorization.

(1) The legislature finds:
(a) The state of Washington owns a property of approximately 25 acres in size located at 1601 West Armory Way within Seattle's Ballard-Interbay northend manufacturing industrial center and Interbay neighborhood, known as the Interbay property. The Interbay property was transferred to the state of Washington in 1971 with deed limitations which limit use of the property for national guard purposes only. The national guard currently uses the Interbay property for the Seattle readiness center, built in 1974. The national guard has determined that it must relocate from the Interbay property to another site, and an assessment has been completed pursuant to RCW 43.166.010(2)(b). Once the national guard facilities are funded and constructed and the national guard is relocated in a new, fully operational readiness center, and the department of defense has released its use restrictions on the property, the Interbay property will be available for redevelopment.
(b) The formation of a state lands development authority to oversee and manage the redevelopment of the Interbay property will be useful and beneficial to the community within and adjacent to the Interbay neighborhood in the city of Seattle. The legislature intends that the authority be appropriately funded and staffed.
(2)(a) The legislature authorizes the establishment of the Ballard-Interbay state lands development authority, which boundaries are coextensive with the boundaries of the Interbay property.
(b) The Ballard-Interbay state lands development authority is a public body corporate and politic and instrumentality of the state of Washington.
(3) The Ballard-Interbay state lands development authority may exercise its authority in furtherance of projects that are located only within the boundaries of the Interbay property.
(4) The Ballard-Interbay state lands development authority does not have site control or access until after the national guard relocation and may not sell the Interbay property or portions of the Interbay property to another entity.
(5) The affairs of the Ballard-Interbay state lands development authority shall be managed by a board of directors, consisting of the following members:
(a) One member with experience developing workforce or affordable housing;
(b) One member with knowledge of project financing options for public-private partnerships related to housing;
(c) Two members with architectural design and development experience related to industrial and mixed-use zoning;
(d) One member representing the port of Seattle;
(e) One member representing the governor's office;
(f) One member representing the King county council;
(g) One member representing the city of Seattle mayor's office;
(h) One member representing the Seattle city council; and
(i) The director of the department of commerce or the director's designee as an ex officio, nonvoting member.
(6) No member of the board of directors may hold office for more than four years. Board positions must be numbered one through 11 and the terms staggered as follows:
(a) Board members appointed to positions one through five shall serve two-year terms, and if reappointed, may serve no more than one additional two-year term.
(b) Board members initially appointed to positions six through 11 shall serve a three-year term only.
(c) Board members appointed to positions six through 11 after the initial three-year term shall serve two-year terms, and if reappointed, may serve no more than one additional two-year term.
(7) The initial board of directors of the Ballard-Interbay state lands development authority must be appointed by the governor upon recommendation from the legislative delegation from the district in which the boundaries of the authority are contained, as required by RCW 43.166.020(2). With respect to the appointment of subsequent boards of directors, the existing board members must develop a list of candidates for each position and deliver the recommendations to the members of the legislative delegation for the district in which the authority is located. The legislative delegation must present the list of candidates for recommendation to the governor for appointment to the board of directors. In developing the list of candidates, the board of directors must consider racial, gender, and geographic diversity so that the board may reflect the diversity of the community.
(8) In addition to other applicable provisions of law pertaining to conflicts of interest of public officials, no Ballard-Interbay state lands development authority board member, appointive or otherwise, may participate in any decision on any board contract in which the board member has any interests, direct or indirect, with any firm, partnership, corporation, or association that would be the recipient of any gain or benefit resulting from transactions with the state lands development authority. In any instance where the participation occurs, the board shall void the transaction, and the involved member must be subject to whatever sanctions may be provided by law. The board shall frame and adopt a code of ethics for its members, which must be designed to protect the state and its citizens from any unethical conduct by the board.
(9) For purposes of this section, "Interbay property" means a state-owned property with deed limitations indicating it may be used for national guard purposes only located at 1601 West Armory Way, consisting of approximately 25 acres of land within Seattle's Ballard-Interbay northend manufacturing industrial center and Interbay neighborhood.
[ 2022 c 259 s 7.]