PDFRCW 46.08.066

Publicly owned vehiclesConfidential license plates, drivers' licenses, identicardsIssuance, rules governing.

(1) The department may issue confidential license plates to:
(a) Units of local government and agencies of the federal government for law enforcement purposes only;
(b) Any state official elected on a statewide basis for use on official business. Only one set of confidential license plates may be issued to these elected officials;
(c) Any other public officer or public employee for the personal security of the officer or employee when recommended by the chief of the Washington state patrol. These confidential license plates may only be used on an unmarked publicly owned or controlled vehicle of the employing government agency for the conduct of official business for the period of time that the personal security of the state official, public officer, or other public employee may require; and
(d) The office of the state treasurer. These confidential license plates may only be used on an unmarked state owned or controlled vehicle when required for the safe transportation of either state funds or negotiable securities to or from the office of the state treasurer.
(2) The use of confidential license plates on other vehicles owned or operated by the state of Washington by any officer or employee of the state is limited to confidential, investigative, or undercover work of state law enforcement agencies, confidential public health work, and confidential public assistance fraud or child support investigations.
(3)(a) The department may issue confidential drivers' licenses and identicards to commissioned officers of state and local law enforcement agencies and agencies of the federal government only for undercover or covert law enforcement activities.
(b) Any driver's license or identicard issued under this subsection shall display an expiration date that complies with the department's rules, but a driver's license or identicard issued under this subsection may be used only during the duration of the officer's assignment to an undercover or covert operation.
(c) Any driver's license or identicard issued under this subsection must be returned to the department within thirty days of the end of the officer's undercover assignment. Any driver's license or identicard issued under this subsection must be returned to the department immediately upon the officer's retirement, termination, dismissal, change in job assignment, or leave from the agency.
(4) The director may adopt rules governing applications for, and the use of, confidential license plates, drivers' licenses, and identicards.
[ 2013 c 336 s 2; 2010 c 161 s 211; 1986 c 158 s 20; 1982 c 163 s 14; 1979 c 158 s 128; 1975 1st ex.s. c 169 s 2.]


Effective date2013 c 336: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [May 21, 2013]." [ 2013 c 336 s 4.]
Effective dateIntentLegislation to reconcile chapter 161, Laws of 2010 and other amendments made during the 2010 legislative session2010 c 161: See notes following RCW 46.04.013.
SeverabilityEffective date1982 c 163: See notes following RCW 2.10.052.