PDFRCW 47.60.145

Historic ferriesAcquisition by qualified persons or organizations.

(1) An "historic ferry" is any vessel in the Washington state ferries fleet which has been listed in the Washington state register of historic places.
(2) When the department of transportation determines that an historic ferry is surplus to the needs of Washington state ferries, the department shall call for proposals from persons who wish to acquire the historic ferry. Proposals for the acquisition of an historic ferry shall be accepted only from persons or organizations that (a) are a governmental entity or a nonprofit corporation or association dedicated to the preservation of historic properties; (b) agree to a contract approved by the state historic preservation officer, which requires the preservation and maintenance of the historic ferry and provides that title to the ferry reverts to the state if the secretary of transportation determines that the contract has been violated; and (c) demonstrate the administrative and financial ability successfully to comply with the contract.
(3) The department shall evaluate the qualifying proposals and shall select the proposal which is most advantageous to the state. Factors to be considered in making the selection shall include but not be limited to:
(a) Extent and quality of restoration;
(b) Retention of original design and use;
(c) Public access to the vessel;
(d) Provisions for historical interpretation;
(e) Monetary return to the state.
(4) If there are no qualifying proposals, an historic ferry shall be disposed of in the manner provided by state law.
[ 1982 c 210 s 1.]


Severability1982 c 210: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1982 c 210 s 2.]
Archaeology and historic preservation, office of: Chapter 27.34 RCW.