PDFRCW 48.49.200

Ground ambulance services organizationsPaymentsProhibition on waivers.

(1) For health plans issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2025, a nonparticipating ground ambulance services organization may not balance bill an enrollee for covered ground ambulance services.
(2) If an enrollee receives covered ground ambulance services:
(a) The enrollee satisfies their obligation to pay for the ground ambulance services if they pay the in-network cost-sharing amount specified in the enrollee's or applicable group's health plan contract. The enrollee's obligation must be calculated using the allowed amount determined under subsection (3) of this section. The carrier shall provide an explanation of benefits to the enrollee and the nonparticipating ground ambulance services organization that reflects the cost-sharing amount determined under this subsection;
(b) The carrier, nonparticipating ground ambulance services organization, and any agent, trustee, or assignee of the carrier or nonparticipating ground ambulance services organization shall ensure that the enrollee incurs no greater cost than the amount determined under (a) of this subsection;
(c) The nonparticipating ground ambulance services organization and any agent, trustee, or assignee of the nonparticipating ground ambulance services organization may not balance bill or otherwise attempt to collect from the enrollee any amount greater than the amount determined under (a) of this subsection. This does not impact the ground ambulance services organization's ability to collect a past due balance for that cost-sharing amount with interest;
(d) The carrier shall treat any cost-sharing amounts determined under (a) of this subsection paid by the enrollee for a nonparticipating ground ambulance services organization's services in the same manner as cost-sharing for health care services provided by an in-network ground ambulance services organization and must apply any cost-sharing amounts paid by the enrollee for such services toward the enrollee's maximum out-of-pocket payment obligation; and
(e) A ground ambulance services organization shall refund any amount in excess of the in-network cost-sharing amount to an enrollee within 30 business days of receipt if the enrollee has paid the nonparticipating ground ambulance services organization an amount that exceeds the in-network cost-sharing amount determined under (a) of this subsection. Interest must be paid to the enrollee for any unrefunded payments at a rate of 12 percent beginning on the first calendar day after the 30 business days.
(3) Until December 31, 2027, the allowed amount paid to a nonparticipating ground ambulance services organization for covered ground ambulance services under a health plan issued by a carrier must be one of the following amounts:
(a)(i) The rate established by the local governmental entity where the covered health care services originated for the provision of ground ambulance services by ground ambulance services organizations owned or operated by the local governmental entity and submitted to the office of the insurance commissioner under RCW 48.49.205; or
(ii) Where the ground ambulance services were provided by a private ground ambulance services organization under contract with the local governmental entity where the covered health care services originated, the amount set by the contract submitted to the office of the insurance commissioner under RCW 48.49.205; or
(b) If a rate has not been established under (a) of this subsection, the lesser of:
(i) 325 percent of the current published rate for ambulance services as established by the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services under Title XVIII of the social security act for the same service provided in the same geographic area; or
(ii) The ground ambulance services organization's billed charges.
(4) Payment made in compliance with this section is payment in full for the covered services provided, except for any applicable in-network copayment, coinsurance, deductible, and other cost-sharing amounts required to be paid by the enrollee.
(5) The carrier shall make payments for ground ambulance services provided by nonparticipating ground ambulance services organizations directly to the organization, rather than the enrollee.
(6) A ground ambulance services organization may not request or require a patient at any time, for any procedure, service, or supply, to sign or otherwise execute by oral, written, or electronic means, any document that would attempt to avoid, waive, or alter any provision of this section.
(7) Carriers shall make available through electronic and other methods of communication generally used by a ground ambulance services organization to verify enrollee eligibility and benefits information regarding whether an enrollee's health plan is subject to the requirements of this section.
(8) For purposes of this chapter, ground ambulance services organizations are not considered providers. RCW 48.49.020, 48.49.030, 48.49.040, and 48.49.160 do not apply to ground ambulance services or ground ambulance services organizations.
[ 2024 c 218 s 8.]