PDFRCW 59.20.060

Rental agreementsRequired contentsProhibited provisions.

(1) Any mobile home space tenancy regardless of the term, shall be based upon a written rental agreement, signed by the parties, which shall contain:
(a) The terms for the payment of rent, including time and place, and any additional charges to be paid by the tenant. Additional charges that occur less frequently than monthly shall be itemized in a billing to the tenant;
(b) Reasonable rules for guest parking which shall be clearly stated;
(c) The rules and regulations of the park;
(d) The name and address of the person who is the landlord, and if such person does not reside in the state there shall also be designated by name and address a person who resides in the county where the mobile home park is located who is authorized to act as agent for the purposes of service of notices and process. If no designation is made of a person to act as agent, then the person to whom rental payments are to be made shall be considered the agent;
(e) The name and address of any party who has a secured interest in the mobile home, manufactured home, or park model;
(f) A forwarding address of the tenant or the name and address of a person who would likely know the whereabouts of the tenant in the event of an emergency or an abandonment of the mobile home, manufactured home, or park model;
(g) A statement that: "The park may be sold or otherwise transferred at any time with the result that subsequent owners may close the mobile home park, or that the landlord may close the park at any time after the required closure notice as provided in RCW 59.20.080." The statement required by this subsection must: (i) Appear in print that is in boldface and is larger than the other text of the rental agreement; (ii) be set off by means of a box, blank space, or comparable visual device; and (iii) be located directly above the tenant's signature on the rental agreement;
(h) A copy of a closure notice, as required in RCW 59.20.080, if such notice is in effect;
(i) The terms and conditions under which any deposit or portion thereof may be withheld by the landlord upon termination of the rental agreement if any moneys are paid to the landlord by the tenant as a deposit or as security for performance of the tenant's obligations in a rental agreement;
(j) A listing of the utilities, services, and facilities which will be available to the tenant during the tenancy and the nature of the fees, if any, to be charged together with a statement that, in the event any utilities are changed to be charged independent of the rent during the term of the rental agreement, the landlord agrees to decrease the amount of the rent charged proportionately;
(k) A written description, picture, plan, or map of the boundaries of a mobile home space sufficient to inform the tenant of the exact location of the tenant's space in relation to other tenants' spaces;
(l) A written description, picture, plan, or map of the location of the tenant's responsibility for utility hook-ups, consistent with RCW 59.20.130(6);
(m) A statement of the current zoning of the land on which the mobile home park is located;
(n) A statement of the expiration date of any conditional use, temporary use, or other land use permit subject to a fixed expiration date that is necessary for the continued use of the land as a mobile home park; and
(o) A written statement containing accurate historical information regarding the past five years' rental amount charged for the lot or space.
(2) Any rental agreement executed between the landlord and tenant shall not contain any provision:
(a) Which allows the landlord to charge a fee for guest parking unless a violation of the rules for guest parking occurs: PROVIDED, That a fee may be charged for guest parking which covers an extended period of time as defined in the rental agreement;
(b) Which authorizes the towing or impounding of a vehicle except upon notice to the owner thereof or the tenant whose guest is the owner of the vehicle;
(c) Which allows the landlord to alter the due date for rent payment or increase the rent: (i) During the term of the rental agreement if the term is less than two years, or (ii) more frequently than annually if the initial term is for two years or more: PROVIDED, That a rental agreement may include an escalation clause for a pro rata share of any increase in the mobile home park's real property taxes or utility assessments or charges, over the base taxes or utility assessments or charges of the year in which the rental agreement took effect, if the clause also provides for a pro rata reduction in rent or other charges in the event of a reduction in real property taxes or utility assessments or charges, below the base year: PROVIDED FURTHER, That a rental agreement for a term exceeding two years may provide for annual increases in rent in specified amounts or by a formula specified in such agreement. Any rent increase authorized under this subsection (2)(c) that occurs within the closure notice period pursuant to RCW 59.20.080(1)(e) may not be more than one percentage point above the United States consumer price index for all urban consumers, housing component, published by the United States bureau of labor statistics in the periodical "Monthly Labor Review and Handbook of Labor Statistics" as established annually by the department of commerce;
(d) By which the tenant agrees to waive or forego rights or remedies under this chapter;
(e) Allowing the landlord to charge an "entrance fee" or an "exit fee." However, an entrance fee may be charged as part of a continuing care contract as defined in RCW 70.38.025;
(f) Which allows the landlord to charge a fee for guests: PROVIDED, That a landlord may establish rules charging for guests who remain on the premises for more than 15 days in any 60-day period;
(g) By which the tenant agrees to waive or forego homestead rights provided by chapter 6.13 RCW. This subsection shall not prohibit such waiver after a default in rent so long as such waiver is in writing signed by the husband and wife or by an unmarried claimant and in consideration of the landlord's agreement not to terminate the tenancy for a period of time specified in the waiver if the landlord would be otherwise entitled to terminate the tenancy under this chapter;
(h) By which, at the time the rental agreement is entered into, the landlord and tenant agree to the selection of a particular arbitrator; or
(i) By which the tenant agrees to make rent payments through electronic means only.
(3) Any provision prohibited under this section that is included in a rental agreement is unenforceable.
[ 2023 c 40 s 3; 2022 c 95 s 4; 2019 c 390 s 17; 2019 c 342 s 3; 2012 c 213 s 1; 2006 c 296 s 2; 2002 c 63 s 1; 1999 c 359 s 5. Prior: 1990 c 174 s 1; 1990 c 169 s 1; 1989 c 201 s 9; 1984 c 58 s 1; 1981 c 304 s 18; 1979 ex.s. c 186 s 4; 1977 ex.s. c 279 s 6.]


FindingsIntent2023 c 40: See note following RCW 59.20.030.
Contingent effective date2019 c 390 ss 17 and 18: "Sections 17 and 18 of this act take effect only if chapter 342, Laws of 2019 is enacted by August 1, 2019." [ 2019 c 390 s 19.]
FindingIntent2019 c 390: See note following RCW 59.21.005.
Tax preference statement and expiration2019 c 390: See note following RCW 84.36.560.
Prospective application2006 c 296 s 2: "With respect to written mobile or manufactured home space rental agreements in effect on June 7, 2006, section 2 of this act applies prospectively when the term of the tenancy under the agreement is renewed." [ 2006 c 296 s 4.]
Severability1984 c 58: See note following RCW 59.20.200.
Severability1981 c 304: See note following RCW 26.16.030.
Severability1979 ex.s. c 186: See note following RCW 59.20.030.