PDFRCW 64.12.060

Action by occupant of unsurveyed land.

Any person now occupying and settled upon, or who may hereafter occupy or settle upon any of the unsurveyed public lands not to exceed one hundred sixty acres in this territory, for the purpose of holding and cultivating the same, may commence and maintain any action, in any court of competent jurisdiction, for interference with or injuries done to his or her possessions of said lands, against any person or persons so interfering with or injuring such lands or possessions: PROVIDED, ALWAYS, That if any of the aforesaid class of settlers are absent from their claims continuously, for a period of six months in any one year, the said person or persons shall be deemed to have forfeited all rights under this act.
[ 1883 p 70 s 1; RRS s 942.]


Reviser's note: The preamble and sections 2 and 3 of the 1883 act, section 1 of which is codified above as RCW 64.12.060, read as follows:
Preamble: "whereas, A great many citizens of the United States are now settling upon and cultivating the unsurveyed government lands in this territory; and, as many years may elapse before the government surveys will be extended over the said lands, so that the settlers upon the same, can take them under the laws of the United States, and defend them against the trespass of others, therefore:"
"Sec. 2. Any person or persons, who shall wilfully and maliciously disturb, or in any wise injure, or destroy the dwelling house or other building, or any fence inclosing [enclosing], or being on the claim of any of the aforesaid class of settlers, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than one hundred ($100) dollars, for each and every offense, to which may be added imprisonment in the county jail, not exceeding ninety (90) days." [ 1883 p 71 s 2.]
"Sec. 3. Any person or persons, who shall wilfully or maliciously set fire to any dwelling, or other building, of any of the aforesaid class of settlers, shall be deemed guilty of arson, and subject to the penalties of the law in such cases, made and provided." [ 1883 p 71 s 3.]