PDFRCW 64.55.090

Sale of condominium unit subject to complianceInspection alternative. (Effective until January 1, 2028.)

(1) Except for sales or other dispositions listed in RCW 64.34.400(2), no declarant may convey a condominium unit that may be occupied for residential use in a multiunit residential building without first complying with the requirements of RCW 64.55.005 through 64.55.080 unless the building enclosure of the building in which such unit is included is inspected by a qualified building enclosure inspector, and:
(a) The inspection includes such intrusive or other testing, such as the removal of siding or other building enclosure materials, that the inspector believes, in his or her professional judgment, is necessary to ascertain the manner in which the building enclosure was constructed;
(b) The inspection evaluates, to the extent reasonably ascertainable and in the professional judgment of the inspector, the present condition of the building enclosure including whether such condition has adversely affected or will adversely affect the performance of the building enclosure to waterproof, weatherproof, or otherwise protect the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion. "Adversely affect" has the same meaning as provided in RCW 64.34.445(7);
(c) The inspection report includes recommendations for repairs to the building enclosure that, in the professional judgment of the qualified building inspector, are necessary to: (i) Repair a design or construction defect in the building enclosure that results in the failure of the building enclosure to perform its intended function and allows unintended water penetration not caused by flooding; and (ii) repair damage caused by such a defect that has an adverse effect as provided in RCW 64.34.445(7);
(d) With respect to a building that would be a multiunit residential building but for the recording of a sale prohibition covenant and unless more than five years have elapsed since the date such covenant was recorded, all repairs to the building enclosure recommended pursuant to (c) of this subsection have been made; and
(e) The declarant provides as part of the public offering statement, consistent with RCW 64.34.410 (1)(nn) and (2) and 64.34.415(1)(b), an inspection and repair report signed by the qualified building enclosure inspector that identifies:
(i) The extent of the inspection performed pursuant to this section;
(ii) The information obtained as a result of that inspection; and
(iii) The manner in which any repairs required by this section were performed, the scope of those repairs, and the names of the persons performing those repairs.
(2) Failure to deliver the inspection and repair report in violation of this section constitutes a failure to deliver a public offering statement for purposes of chapter 64.34 RCW.
[ 2005 c 456 s 10.]

PDFRCW 64.55.090

Sale of condominium unit subject to complianceInspection alternative. (Effective January 1, 2028.)

(1) Except for sales or other dispositions listed in RCW 64.90.600(2), no declarant may convey a condominium unit that may be occupied for residential use in a multiunit residential building without first complying with the requirements of RCW 64.55.005 through 64.55.080 unless the building enclosure of the building in which such unit is included is inspected by a qualified building enclosure inspector, and:
(a) The inspection includes such intrusive or other testing, such as the removal of siding or other building enclosure materials, that the inspector believes, in his or her professional judgment, is necessary to ascertain the manner in which the building enclosure was constructed;
(b) The inspection evaluates, to the extent reasonably ascertainable and in the professional judgment of the inspector, the present condition of the building enclosure including whether such condition has adversely affected or will adversely affect the performance of the building enclosure to waterproof, weatherproof, or otherwise protect the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion. "Adversely affect" has the same meaning as provided in RCW 64.90.670(7);
(c) The inspection report includes recommendations for repairs to the building enclosure that, in the professional judgment of the qualified building inspector, are necessary to: (i) Repair a design or construction defect in the building enclosure that results in the failure of the building enclosure to perform its intended function and allows unintended water penetration not caused by flooding; and (ii) repair damage caused by such a defect that has an adverse effect as provided in RCW 64.90.670(7);
(d) With respect to a building that would be a multiunit residential building but for the recording of a sale prohibition covenant and unless more than five years have elapsed since the date such covenant was recorded, all repairs to the building enclosure recommended pursuant to (c) of this subsection have been made; and
(e) The declarant provides as part of the public offering statement, consistent with RCW 64.90.610 (1)(t), (1)(oo), and (3) and 64.90.620(1)(c), an inspection and repair report signed by the qualified building enclosure inspector that identifies:
(i) The extent of the inspection performed pursuant to this section;
(ii) The information obtained as a result of that inspection; and
(iii) The manner in which any repairs required by this section were performed, the scope of those repairs, and the names of the persons performing those repairs.
(2) Failure to deliver the inspection and repair report in violation of this section constitutes a failure to deliver a public offering statement for purposes of chapter 64.90 RCW.
[ 2024 c 321 s 426; 2005 c 456 s 10.]


Effective dates2024 c 321 ss 319 and 401-432: See note following RCW 64.90.485.