PDFRCW 70.74.120

Storage reportInspectionLicenseCancellation.

All persons engaged in keeping or storing and all persons having in their possession explosives on August 11, 1969, shall within sixty days thereafter, and all persons engaging in keeping or storing explosives or coming into possession thereof after August 11, 1969, shall before engaging in the keeping or storing of explosives or taking possession thereof, make an application in writing subscribed to by such person or his or her agent, to the department of labor and industries stating:
(1) The location of the magazine, if any, if then existing, or in case of a new magazine, the proposed location of such magazine;
(2) The kind of explosives that are kept or stored or possessed or intended to be kept or stored or possessed and the maximum quantity that is intended to be kept or stored or possessed thereat;
(3) The distance that such magazine is located or intended to be located from other magazines, inhabited buildings, explosives manufacturing buildings, railroads, highways, and public utility transmission systems;
(4) The name and address of the applicant;
(5) The reason for desiring to store or possess explosives;
(6) The citizenship of the applicant if the applicant is an individual;
(7) If the applicant is a partnership, the names and addresses of the partners and their citizenship;
(8) If the applicant is an association or corporation, the names and addresses of the officers and directors thereof and their citizenship;
(9) And such other pertinent information as the director of the department of labor and industries shall require to effectuate the purpose of this chapter.
The department of labor and industries shall, as soon as may be after receiving such application, cause an inspection to be made of the magazine, if then constructed, and, in the case of a new magazine, as soon as may be after same is found to be constructed in accordance with the specification provided in RCW 70.74.025, such department shall determine the amount of explosives that may be kept and stored in such magazine by reference to the quantity and distance tables specified in or adopted under this chapter and shall issue a license to the person applying therefor if the applicant demonstrates that either the applicant or the officers, agents, or employees of the applicant are sufficiently experienced in the handling of explosives and possess suitable storage facilities therefor, and that the applicant meets the qualifications for a license under RCW 70.74.360. Said license shall set forth the maximum quantity of explosives that may be had, kept, or stored by said person. Such license shall be valid until canceled for one or more of the causes hereinafter provided. Whenever by reason of change in the physical conditions surrounding said magazine at the time of the issuance of the license therefor, such as:
(a) The erection of buildings nearer said magazine;
(b) The construction of railroads nearer said magazine;
(c) The opening for public travel of highways nearer said magazine; or
(d) The construction of public utilities transmission systems near said magazine; then the amounts of explosives which may be lawfully had, kept, or stored in said magazine must be reduced to conform to such changed conditions in accordance with the quantity and distance table notwithstanding the license, and the department of labor and industries shall modify or cancel such license in accordance with the changed conditions. Whenever any person to whom a license has been issued, keeps or stores in the magazine or has in his or her possession, any quantity of explosives in excess of the maximum amount set forth in said license, or whenever any person fails for thirty days to pay the annual license fee hereinafter provided after the same becomes due, the department is authorized to cancel such license. Whenever a license is canceled by the department for any cause herein specified, the department shall notify the person to whom such license is issued of the fact of such cancellation and shall in said notice direct the removal of all explosives stored in said magazine within ten days from the giving of said notice, or, if the cause of cancellation be the failure to pay the annual license fee, or the fact that explosives are kept for an unlawful purpose, the department of labor and industries shall order such person to dispossess himself or herself of said explosives within ten days from the giving of said notice. Failure to remove the explosives stored in said magazine or to dispossess oneself of the explosives as herein provided within the time specified in said notice shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
[ 2012 c 117 s 393; 1988 c 198 s 6; 1969 ex.s. c 137 s 14; 1941 c 101 s 2; 1931 c 111 s 12; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 5440-12.]